Francis Dvornik

Francis Dvornik (Chomýž, 14 August 1893 – Chomýž, 4 November 1975), in Czech František Dvorník, was a priest and academic, and one of the leading twentieth-century experts on Slavic and Byzantine history, and on relations between the churches of Rome and Constantinople.


Dvornik taught at Charles University in Prague, the Collège de France, and Harvard University.

Arguably Dvornik's greatest contribution to research lay in rehabilitation, from a Catholic standpoint, of the Byzantine patriarch and writer, Photius.

In 1956 Harvard University Press published a collection of Essays Dedicated to F. Dvornik on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday (Harvard Slavic studies no. 2).



In French as Saint Venceslas, Duc de Bohême, martyr. Prague: [Comité du Millénaire de St. Venceslas], 1929.
In English as The Life of Saint Wenceslas. Prague: [State printing office], 1929.
In French as Le Schisme de Photius: histoire et légende. Unam sanctam 19. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1950. With a preface by Yves Congar.
In Czech: Zrod střední a východní Evropy: mezi Byzancí a Římem, translated by Petr Slunéčko. Edice Obzor no. 21. Prague: Prostor, 1999. Second edition 2008.
In Italian: Gli Slavi: storia e civiltà dalle origini al secolo XIII. Collana di studi sull'Europa orientale 13. Padua: Liviana, 1974.
In the United Kingdom as The General Councils of the Church. Faith and Fact Books 83. London: Burns & Oates, 1961.
Russian edition, Moscow, 2001.
In English: Byzantium and the Roman Primacy. New York: Fordham University Press, 1966. COrrected edition 1979.

Lectures and articles
