Francesco Montemezzano

Francesco Montemezzano or Monte Mezzano (ca. 1540–after 1602) was an Italian painter of the late-Renaissance or Mannerist period.

He was born near Verona, and appears to have been a follower, if not a pupil of Paolo Veronese.[1] He was active both in Venice and the mainland, painting mainly sacred subjects.[2]

He completed some of the panels for the church of San Nicolo dei Mendicoli. Ridolfi in a short biography notes that Francesco gave himself excessively to the pleasures of love, fell in love with expensive objects and this led to an early death.[3]


  1. Metropolitan Museum Collections.
  2. Enciclopedia Treccani, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 76 (2012), entry by Giorgio Tagliaferro
  3. Le Maraviglie dell'arte: overo le vite de gl'illustri pittori Veneti, Volume 2, By Carlo Ridolfi, 1648, page 137.

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