Francesco Ingoli

Francesco Ingoli (1578-1649) was an Italian priest, lawyer and professor of civil and canon law.


Born in Ravenna Italy, Ingoli graduated from the University of Padua in civil and canon law in 1601, he entered the order of clerics Theatines. and studied astronomy, writing an essay on Stars in 1604 and on Comets in 1607. Since 1606 he was in the service of Cardinal Caetani Boniface (1567-1617) who was the papal legate in Romagna and followed the Cardinal to Rome when he was appointed member of the Congregation of the Index. In Rome he attended the Accademia dei Lincei founded by Federico Cesi.

His name is particularly linked to the controversy over the Copernican system. His literal interpretation of the scriptures and support of the astronomical model of Tycho Brahe, which was condemned in writings at the time. Galileo Galilei was one of those who disagreed with him on this matter. Ingoli sent Galileo a letter in 1616 that listed both scientific and theological objections to Copernicanism.[1] Galileo's reply listed, among other evidence, the results of experiments such as dropping a rock from the mast of a moving ship.

  1. Graney, "Francesco Ingoli's essay to Galileo: Tycho Brahe and science in the Inquisition's condemnation of the Copernican theory,"