France at major beauty pageants

This is a list of France's representatives and their placements at the International pageants, considered the most important in the world.

Color key
  •      Declared as Winner
  •      Ended as runner-up
  •      Ended as one of the finalists or semifinalists
Year Miss Universe France Miss World France Miss Earth France Miss International France Miss Supranational France Miss Grand France
2003 Emmanuelle Chossat Virginie Dubois Jennifer Pichard Elodie Couffin
2004 Lætitia Bléger Lætitia Marciniak Audrey Nogues Lucie Degletagne
2005 Cindy Fabre Cindy Fabre Alexandra Uhan Cynthia Tevere
2006 Alexandra Rosenfeld Laura Fasquel Anne Charlotte Triplet Marie-Charlotte Meré
2007 Rachel Legrain-Trapani Rachel Legrain-Trapani Alexandra Gaguen Sophie Vouzelaud
2008 Laura Tanguy Laura Tanguy Charlotte Lagauzere Vicky Michaud
2009 Chloé Mortaud Chloé Mortaud Magalie Thierry Mathilde Muller Jennifer Tawk
2010 Malika Ménard Virginie Dechenaud Fanny Vauzanges Florima Treiber Célia Estelle Bettinger
2011 Laury Thilleman Clémence Oleksy Mathilde Florin Laura Maurey Analisa Kebaili
2012 Marie Payet Delphine Wespiser Marion Amelineau Solène Froment
2013 Hinarani de Longeaux Marine Lorphelin Sophie Garénaux Camille René Margaux Serenoff
2014 TBA Flora Coquerel Laëtizia Giovannelli Aurianne Sinacola TBA Norma Julia


See also