Framtid i Nord

Framtid i Nord ("Future in the North") is a local newspaper in northern Troms, a county in Northern Norway. It focuses on local news from the municipalities of Kvænangen, Nordreisa, Lyngen, Skjervøy, Gáivuotna (Kåfjord) and Storfjord. It comes out three days a week and has a circulation of 5,294, of whom 4,413 are subscribers.

The newspaper is based in Nordreisa, and claims to be the only newspaper published from within the Arctic Circle. It is published by the company Framtid i nord avisdrift AS, which is in turn owned by Harstad Tidende Gruppen (58.6%), Bladet Tromsø (21.0%) and Troms Folkeblad (20.4%).
