Four room house

A model of a typical Israelite house, the so-called four room house.
A reconstructed Israelite house, Monarchy period, 10th-7th centuries BCE, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
Reconstructed ground-plan

The four room house is the name given to the typical mud brick or stone Israelite house in the Iron Age of Levant.[1] It is so named because its floor plan, the only portion typically remaining in excavated archeological sites, is divided into four sections. It is also called a pillared house because three ground-level "rooms" are separated by two rows of wood pillars holding the second floor.

The house masters lived on the second floor, the ground floor being used as a manger for animals and for storage.


  1. Bunimovitz, Schlomo; Avraham Faust (2003). "The four room house: Embodying Iron Age israelite society". Near Eastern archaeology (Scholars Press, Atlanta, GA) 66 (1-2): 22–31. doi:10.2307/3210929. JSTOR 3210929.

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