Forward Prizes for Poetry

Forward Prizes for Poetry
Awarded for Best Collection (£10,000); Best First Collection (£5,000); Best Single Poem (£1,000)
Sponsor Arts Council England, The John Ellerman Foundation, The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, The Rothschild Foundation
Location United Kingdom

The Forward Prizes for Poetry were created in 1991 by William Sieghart with the aim of extending poetry's audience, raising poetry's profile and linking poetry to people in new ways. The prizes do this by identifying and honouring talent. Each year, works shortlisted for the prizes - plus those highly commended by the judges - are collected in the Forward Book of Poetry.

The awards are among the most coveted poetry prizes in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland: previous winners include Thom Gunn, Seamus Heaney, Alice Oswald, Ted Hughes, Carol Ann Duffy and Kathleen Jamie.

The winners of the 2014 prizes were awarded on 30 September at Southbank Centre, in a ceremony which also remembered Dannie Abse. The 23rd Forward Book of Poetry, an anthology of all the poems shortlisted for the prizes or highly commended by the judges, was launched at the same event.


The Forward Prizes for Poetry consist of three awards:

The Prizes are run by the Forward Arts Foundation, which is also responsible for National Poetry Day. The director of the Forward Arts Foundation is Susannah Herbert and the assistant director is Maisie Lawrence.[1]


The 2014 judging panel was chaired by Jeremy Paxman. His fellow judges are the singer/songwriter Cerys Matthews, and the poets Dannie Abse, Helen Mort and Vahni Capildeo.[2]

2014 Shortlist

Best Collection

Colette Bryce, The Whole & Rain-domed Universe (Picador Poetry)

John Burnside, All One Breath (Cape Poetry)

Louise Glück, Faithful and Virtuous Night (Carcanet)

Kei Miller, The Cartographer Tries to Map a Way to Zion (Carcanet)

Hugo Williams, I Knew the Bride (Faber & Faber)

Jeremy Paxman, Dannie Abse and Helen Mort at the Forward Prizes judging meeting 2014

Best First Collection

Fiona Benson, Bright Travellers (Cape Poetry)

Liz Berry, Black Country (Chatto & Windus)

Niall Campbell, Moontide (Bloodaxe Books)

Beatrice Garland, The Invention of Fireworks (Templar Poetry)

Kevin Powers, Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting (Sceptre)

Vidyan Ravinthiran, Grun-tu-molani (Bloodaxe Books)

Best Single Poem

Tim Nolan, 'Red Wing Correctional Facility' (Troubadour International Poetry Prize)

Denise Riley, 'After La Rochefoucauld' (Eggbox/UEA Poetry Series)

Stephen Santus, 'In a Restaurant' (The Bridport Prize)

Jack Underwood, 'Thank you for your email' (The White Review)

Jeffrey Wainwright, 'An Empty Street' (PN Review)

2013 Shortlist

Best Collection

Rebecca Goss, Her Birth (Carcanet/Northern House)

Glyn Maxwell, Pluto (Picador Poetry)

Sinéad Morrissey, Parallax (Carcanet)

Jacob Polley, The Havocs (Picador Poetry)

Michael Symmons Roberts, Drysalter (Cape Poetry)

Samuel West, Sheenagh Pugh, Jeanette Winterson, Paul Farley and David Mills at the first 2013 judging meeting

Best First Collection

Emily Berry, Dear Boy (Faber and Faber)

Marianne Burton, She Inserts the Key (Seren)

Steve Ely, Oswald's Book of Hours (Smokestack Books)

Hannah Lowe, Chick (Bloodaxe Books)

Dan O'Brien, War Reporter (CB Editions)

Adam White, Accurate Measurements (Doire Press)

Best Single Poem

Patience Agbabi, 'The Doll's House' (Poetry Review)

C. J. Allen, 'Explaining the Plot of Blade Runner to My Mother Who Has Alzheimer's' (Troubadour International Poetry Prize)

Rosie Shepperd, 'A Seedy Narrative or Moments of Lyrical Stillness?' (Smith|Doorstop)

Nick MacKinnon, 'The Metric System' (The Warwick Review)

Hugo Williams, 'From the Dialysis Ward' (London Review of Books)[3]

Previous Winners

Best Collection

Best First Collection

Best Single Poem

Previous Judges
























See also


  1. Forward Arts Foundation. Retrieved 04 July 2013
  3. Shortlist Announcement, 08.07.13, ''
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Alison Flood (1 October 2012). "Jorie Graham takes 2012 Forward prize". The Guardian. Retrieved 1 October 2012.

External links