Foreign-body giant cell

Histopathologic image of aspiration pneumonia in an elderly patient with debilitating neurologic illness. Note foreign-body giant cell reaction. Autopsy case. H & E stain.

A foreign-body giant cell is a collection of fused macrophages (giant cell) which are generated in response to the presence of a large foreign body. This is particularly evident with implants that cause the body chronic inflammation and foreign body response.[1] This reaction to the implant causes damages to the infected area, leaving the exterior surface with scars. [2]

The nuclei are arranged in a disorganized manner.[3] The nuclei in this cell are centrally placed and overlap each other. [4] This is in contrast to a Langhans giant cell, where the nuclei are arranged on the border.

Additional images

Small image of an infected area of the body due to a reaction with an implant


  1. Foreign Body Giant Cell at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
  2. Mcnally, Amy. "Giant Cell Formation". Retrieved May 21, 2013.
  3. "Inflammation".
  4. "Giant cells in chronic inflammation". Retrieved May 21, 2013.