Fondazione Cariplo

Fondazione Cariplo
Predecessor Philanthropic activities of the Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde (founded in 1823)
Formation December 1991
Type charitable foundation (fondazione di origine bancaria)
Headquarters via Daniele Manin 23 - 20121 Milan, Italy.
  • Milan, Italy
Secretary General
Pier Mario Vello[1]
Giuseppe Guzzetti[2]
Assets 6.55 billion euros;[3] distribution 140'465'613.49 euros to 986 beneficiaries (2012)[4]
61 [5]

Fondazione Cariplo is a charitable foundation in Milan, Italy. It was created in December 1991 when the Amato law, Law no. 218 of 30 July 1990, came into force. Under this law, savings banks were required to separate into a not-for-profit foundation and a commercial banking arm. The Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde, commonly known as Cariplo, was divided into the Fondazione Cariplo and Cariplo SpA, the bank, which merged with Ambroveneto in 1998.[6]

Bank ownership

At the end of year 2000, the foundation held 9.87% shares of Banca Intesa (fell from 18.55%[7] circa before the merger of Intesa with Banca Commerciale Italiana) as well as 2.77% shares of Sanpaolo IMI.[8] on 31 December 2006, the day before the merger of Intesa and Sanpaolo, the foundation was the second largest shareholder of Intesa after Crédit Agricole.[9]

After the merger, the foundation fell to 5th largest shareholder for 4.68% of the shares of Intesa Sanpaolo (on 31 December 2007).[10] However increased to third largest shareholder on 31 December 2014, after Compagnia di San Paolo (9.506%) and BlackRock (which acted as a proxy for their client, 4.897%) The three other major shareholders with >2% were the foundation of Banca CR Firenze 3.248%, and the foundation of Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto (4.162%), as well as Norges Bank 2.032%.[11]


Further reading

See also