Fluid solution

In general relativity, a fluid solution is an exact solution of the Einstein field equation in which the gravitational field is produced entirely by the mass, momentum, and stress density of a fluid.

In astrophysics, fluid solutions are often employed as stellar models. (It might help to think of a perfect gas as a special case of a perfect fluid.) In cosmology, fluid solutions are often used as cosmological models.

Mathematical definition

The stress–energy tensor of a relativistic fluid can be written in the form

T^{ab} = \mu \, u^a \, u^b + p \, h^{ab} + \left( u^a \, q^b + q^a \, u^b \right) + \pi^{ab}


The heat flux vector and viscous shear tensor are transverse to the world lines, in the sense that

q_a \, u^a = 0, \; \; \pi_{ab} \, u^b = 0

This means that they are effectively three-dimensional quantities, and since the viscous stress tensor is symmetric and traceless, they have respectively 3 and 5 linearly independent components. Together with the density and pressure, this makes a total of 10 linearly independent components, which is the number of linearly independent components in a four-dimensional symmetric rank two tensor.

Special cases

Several special cases of fluid solutions are noteworthy:

T^{ab} = (\mu + p) \, u^a \, u^b + p \, g^{ab},
T^{ab} = \mu \, u^a \, u^b ,
T^{ab} = p \, \left( 4 \, u^a \, u^b + \, g^{ab} \right)

The last two are often used as cosmological models for (respectively) matter-dominated and radiation-dominated epochs. Notice that while in general it requires ten functions to specify a fluid, a perfect fluid requires only two, and dusts and radiation fluids each require only one function. It is much easier to find such solutions than it is to find a general fluid solution.

Among the perfect fluids other than dusts or radiation fluids, by far the most important special case is that of the static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions. These can always be matched to a Schwarzschild vacuum across a spherical surface, so they can be used as interior solutions in a stellar model. In such models, the sphere r = r[0] where the fluid interior is matched to the vacuum exterior is the surface of the star, and the pressure must vanish in the limit as the radius approaches r_0. However, the density can be nonzero in the limit from below, while of course it is zero in the limit from above. In recent years, several surprisingly simple schemes have been given for obtaining all these solutions.

Einstein tensor

The components of a tensor computed with respect to a frame field rather than the coordinate basis are often called physical components, because these are the components which can (in principle) be measured by an observer.

In the special case of a perfect fluid, an adapted frame

\vec{e}_0, \; \vec{e}_1, \; \vec{e}_2, \; \vec{e}_3

(the first is a timelike unit vector field, the last three are spacelike unit vector fields) can always be found in which the Einstein tensor takes the simple form

G^{\hat{a}\hat{b}} = 8 \pi \, \left[ \begin{matrix} \mu &0&0&0\\0&p&0&0\\0&0&p&0\\0&0&0&p\end{matrix} \right]

where \mu is the density and p is the pressure of the fluid. Here, the timelike unit vector field \vec{e}_0 is everywhere tangent to the world lines of observers who are comoving with the fluid elements, so the density and pressure just mentioned are those measured by comoving observers. These are the same quantities which appear in the general coordinate basis expression given in the preceding section; to see this, just put \vec{u} = \vec{e}_0. From the form of the physical components, it is easy to see that the isotropy group of any perfect fluid is isomorphic to the three dimensional Lie group SO(3), the ordinary rotation group.

The fact that these results are exactly the same for curved spacetimes as for hydrodynamics in flat Minkowski spacetime is an expression of the equivalence principle.


The characteristic polynomial of the Einstein tensor in a perfect fluid must have the form

 \chi(\lambda) = \left( \lambda - 8 \pi \mu \right) \, \left( \lambda-8 \pi p \right)^3

where \mu, \, p are again the density and pressure of the fluid as measured by observers comoving with the fluid elements. (Notice that these quantities can vary within the fluid.) Writing this out and applying Gröbner basis methods to simplify the resulting algebraic relations, we find that the coefficients of the characteristic must satisfy the following two algebraically independent (and invariant) conditions:

 12 a_4 + a_2^2 - 3 a_1 a_3 = 0
 a_1 a_2 a_3 - 9 a_3^2 - 9 a_1^2 a_4 + 32 a_2 a_4 = 0

But according to Newton's identities, the traces of the powers of the Einstein tensor are related to these coefficients as follows:

 {G^a}_a = t_1 = a_1
 {G^a}_b \, {G^b}_a = t_2 = a_1^2 - 2 a_2
 {G^a}_b \, {G^b}_c \, {G^c}_a = t_3 = a_1^3 - 3 a_1 a_2 + 3 a_3
 {G^a}_b \, {G^b}_c \, {G^c}_d \, {G^d}_a = t_4 = a_1^4 - 4 a_1^2 a_2 + 4 a_1 a_3 + 2 a_2^2 - a_4

so we can rewrite the above two quantities entirely in terms of the traces of the powers. These are obviously scalar invariants, and they must vanish identically in the case of a perfect fluid solution:

 t_2^3 + 4 t_3^2 + t_1^2 t_4 - 4 t_2 t_4 - 2 t_1 t_2 t_3 = 0
 t_1^4 + 7 t_2^2- 8 t_1^2 t_2 + 12 t_1 t_3 - 12 t_4 = 0

Notice that this assumes nothing about any possible equation of state relating the pressure and density of the fluid; we assume only that we have one simple and one triple eigenvalue.

In the case of a dust solution (vanishing pressure), these conditions simplify considerably:

 a_2 \, = a_3 = a_4 = 0


 t_2 = t_1^2, \; \; t_3 = t_1^3, \; \; t_4 = t_1^4

In tensor gymnastics notation, this can be written using the Ricci scalar as:

 {G^a}_a = -R
 {G^a}_b \, {G^b}_a = R^2
 {G^a}_b \, {G^b}_c \, {G^c}_a = -R^3
 {G^a}_b \, {G^b}_c \, {G^c}_d \, {G^d}_a = -R^4

In the case of a radiation fluid, the criteria become

a_1 = 0, \; 27 \, a_3^2 + 8 a_2^3 = 0, \; 12 \, a_4 + a_2^2 = 0


t_1 = 0, 7 \, t_3^2 - t_2 \, t_4 = 0, \; 12 \, t_4 - 7 \, t_2^2 = 0

In using these criteria, one must be careful to ensure that the largest eigenvalue belongs to a timelike eigenvector, since there are Lorentzian manifolds, satisfying this eigenvalue criterion, in which the large eigenvalue belongs to a spacelike eigenvector, and these cannot represent radiation fluids.

The coefficients of the characteristic will often appear very complicated, and the traces are not much better; when looking for solutions it is almost always better to compute components of the Einstein tensor with respect to a suitably adapted frame and then to kill appropriate combinations of components directly. However, when no adapted frame is evident, these eigenvalue criteria can be sometimes be useful, especially when employed in conjunction with other considerations.

These criteria can often be useful for spot checking alleged perfect fluid solutions, in which case the coefficients of the characteristic are often much simpler than they would be for a simpler imperfect fluid.


Noteworthy individual dust solutions are listed in the article on dust solutions. Noteworthy perfect fluid solutions which feature positive pressure include various radiation fluid models from cosmology, including

In addition to the family of static spherically symmetric perfect fluids, noteworthy rotating fluid solutions include

See also
