Florin Diacu

Florin Diacu
Born 1959
Sibiu, Romania
Residence Victoria, B.C., Canada
Nationality Canadian
Fields Mathematics
Institutions University of Victoria

Florin Diacu (pronounced Dee-AH-ku), born 1959, Sibiu, Romania, is a Canadian mathematician and author.

Education and career

He graduated with a Diploma in Mathematics from the University of Bucharest in 1983. Between 1983 and 1988 he worked as a math teacher in Mediaş. In 1989 he obtained his doctoral degree at the University of Heidelberg in Germany with a thesis in celestial mechanics. After a visiting position at the University of Dortmund, he immigrated to Canada, where he became a post-doctoral fellow at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) in Montreal. Since 1991, he has been a professor at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, where he was the director of the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) between 1999 and 2003. He also held short-term visiting positions at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (1993), University of Bucharest, Romania (1998), University of Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil (1999), and The Bernoulli Institute (at EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland (2004). He was invited to speak and lecture all over the world.


Diacu's research is focused on qualitative aspects of the n-body problem of celestial mechanics. In the early 1990s he proposed the study of Manev's gravitational law, given by a small perturbation of Newton's law, in the general context of (what he called) quasihomogeneous potentials. In several papers, written alone or in collaboration,[1][2][3] he showed that Manev's law, which provides a classical explanation of the perihelion advance of Mercury, is a bordering case between two large classes of attraction laws. Several experts followed this research direction, in which more than 100 papers have been published to this day.

Diacu's more recent research interest regards the n-body problem in spaces of constant curvature. For the case n=2, this problem was independently proposed by Bolyai and Lobachevsky, the founders of hyperbolic geometry. But though many papers were written on this subject, the equations of motion for any number, n, of bodies were obtained only in 2008.[4][5] These equations provided him with a new criterion for determining the geometrical nature of the physical space. More specifically, he showed that celestial orbits depend on the curvature of the space. For instance, the Lagrangian orbits (when three bodies are at the vertices of a rotating equilateral triangle) can have bodies of any mass in the Euclidean (flat) space, but the masses must be equal if the space has negative or positive curvature. Since Lagrangian orbits of non-equal masses exist in our solar system (Sun, Jupiter, and the Trojan asteroids), we can conclude that, if assumed to have constant curvature, the physical space is Euclidean for distances comparable to those of our solar system.

Diacu also obtained some important results on Saari's conjecture,[6][7] which states that every solution of the n-body problem with constant moment of inertia is a relative equilibrium.


Apart from his mathematics research, Florin Diacu is also an author of several successful books. He wrote a monograph about celestial mechanics and a textbook of differential equations. Lately he became interested in conveying complex scientific and scholarly ideas to the general public. His most successful books in this sense are:

The students at the University of Victoria signed a petition against the differential equations textbook this professor had written.


  1. F. Diacu, Near-Collision Dynamics for Particle Systems with Quasihomogeneous Potentials, J. Differential Equations, 128, 58-77, 1996.
  2. J. Delgado, F. Diacu, E.A. Lacomba, A. Mingarelli, V. Mioc, E. Perez-Chavela, C. Stoica, The Global Flow of the Manev Problem, J. Math. Phys. 37 (6), 2748-2761, 1996.
  3. F. Diacu, V. Mioc, and C. Stoica, Phase-space structure and regularization of Manev-type problems, Nonlinear Anal. 41(2000), 1029-1055.
  4. F. Diacu, E. Perez-Chavela and M. Santoprete, The n-body problem in spaces of constant curvature, arXiv:0807.1747 (2008), 54 p
  5. F. Diacu, On the singularities of the curved n-body problem, arXiv:0812.3333 (2008), 20 p., and Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear).
  6. F. Diacu, E. Perez-Chavela and M. Santoprete, Saari's Conjecture of the N-Body Problem in the Collinear Case, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357,10 (2005), 4215-4223.
  7. F. Diacu, T. Fujiwara, E. Perez-Chavela, and M. Santoprete, Saari's Homographic Conjecture of the Three-Body Problem, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360, 12 (2008), 6447-6473.

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