

Olena Voinarovska (left) and Olga Pulatova
Background information
Origin Odessa, Ukraine
Genres baroque pop, folk music
Years active 2000-present
Labels Prikosnovénie,
Paularis Music Group,
Lavina Music,
Nikitin recording company
Associated acts Аэроплан
Оля и Монстр
Dust Heaven
The Клюквинs
Website http://www.fleurmusic.com/
Members Ольга Пулатова (Olga Pulatova),
Олена Войнаровська (Helena Wojnarowska),
Олексій Ткачевський (Oleksiy Tkachevsky),
Катерина Котельникова (Kateryna Kotelnykova),
Анастасія Кузьміна (Anastasiya Kuzmina),
Євгеній Чеботаренко (Yevheniy Chebotarenko)

Flëur is a musical collective from the Ukrainian city of Odessa, being unique for the Ukrainian musical scene. The collective is based around the two original members and frontwomen Olga Pulatova (Ольга Пулатова) and Helena Wojnarowska (Олена Войнаровська) who write the lyrics, perform vocals and previously wrote all the music. Although currently the whole collective takes part in making music and arrangements, lyrics are still written solely by Olena and Olga. Flëur's musical genre is hard to define as it combines many influences. Flëur originated as cooperation of the two singer-songwriters and the music still bears a tiny resemblance to the genre, yet from the very beginning it was in a way different from typical singer-songwriter music. First official releases also had a touch of neoclassic/ethereal music. Because of the difficulties with picking the right term for Flëur's music, the collective itself created the term "cardiowave" (which later gave title to an independent recording label from Odessa which was releasing some of Flëur's sideprojects), but when it comes to more usual terms Flëur usually gets labeled as dream pop. The texts of the label Prikosnovénie spoke of resemblance with Cocteau Twins, All about Eve and Bel Canto.[1]

Band history

Flëur was formed by Olga Pulatova and Helena Wojnarowska in Odessa in February 2000. In March 2000 flautist Yuliya Zemlyana joined them. According to an autobiographical story by Olga Pulatova, it was Yuliya who came up with "Flëur" as a title for their collective. On 17-th of March they had their first live concert in Odessa. During 2000 and 2001 they were joined by Kateryna Serbina (cello), Oleksiy Tkachevsky (drums), Vitaliy Didyk (contrabass) and Oleksiy Dovhaliev (keyboards).

The first official release was the CD "Touch" (which is English translation of "Прикосновение") released on the independent French label Prikosnovénie. Only the album's title was translated to English - all the lyrics and song titles in the CD's booklet are in Russian. One month later the Ukrainian edition of the album came out under the original title "Прикосновение". Two more releases followed on the Prikosnovénie label, but these were also the last ones on this label. After that Flëur was mostly released in CIS countries.

Currently Flëur has 7 officially released albums plus reissues of two early releases. The song "Шелкопряд" ("Silkworm") had the first place in "Chart Dozen" hit-parade of Russian radio Nashe Radio - Flëur was awarede the prize "Chart crack" as best new band of 2007.

From their Flëur's popularity has been slowly but steadily growing. Besides live performances in their hometown of Odessa and Ukraine's Kiev, the collective has been touring extensively in Russia in recent years (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), including many live performances in Moscow which presented them with a full house.

Flëur has also performed live on radio several times, had a TV slot for the song "Искупление" ("Redemption") on the Ukrainian music TV-channel M1 (video directed by Yevhen Tymokhin (Євген Тимохін), musical arrangement made by Pavlo Shevchuk (Павло Шевчук) - the producer of Mumiy Troll band).[2]

New album came out in spring 2012. It`s called "The Awakening".[3]

Side Projects

Many current and former band members also participated in other musical projects.


Former members

Session Members


Albums, released in Russia and Ukraine

No. Title Length
1. "Интро"   0:35
2. "Синие тени"   4:36
3. "На обратной стороне луны"   3:38
4. "Укол"   4:12
5. "Это всё для тебя, танцующий Бог"   5:35
6. "Печальный клоун"   4:05
7. "Карусель"   6:31
8. "На мягких лапах"   3:46
9. "Колыбельная для Солнца"   4:56
10. "Сердце"   4:11
11. "Золотые воды Ганга"   5:51
12. "Уходи, Февраль!"   3:50
13. "Как всё уходит"   4:44
No. Title Length
1. "Интро"   0:49
2. "Пустота"   3:51
3. "Почти реально"   5:09
4. "Формалин"   4:03
5. "Печальный клоун"   5:00
6. "Когда ты грустишь"   3:22
7. "Баллада о белых крыльях и алых лепестках"   5:29
8. "Ремонт"   4:01
9. "Медальон"   4:36
10. "Я сделаю это"   5:07
11. "Никогда"   4:29
12. "Струна"   5:37
13. "Русская рулетка"   5:33
14. "Легион"   4:57
15. "Горизонт"   4:22
No. Title Length
1. "Интро"   0:37
2. "Кокон"   4:42
3. "Зафиксировать вечность"   4:24
4. "Небо хочет упасть"   3:43
5. "Сияние"   5:03
6. "Будь моим смыслом"   5:22
7. "Взрывная волна"   3:31
8. "Сладость"   6:19
9. "Ты не можешь мне запретить"   6:16
10. "Кто-то"   4:33
11. "Друг, который никогда не предаст"   3:29
12. "Музыка странного сна"   5:16
13. "Над водопадом"   4:32
14. "Тайна"   4:09
15. "Мост над туманным заливом"   5:22
No. Title Length
1. "Шелкопряд"   5:03
2. "Рай на полчаса (Radio Edit)"   3:59
3. "Пепел"   4:43
4. "Память"   5:33
5. "Искупление (Radio Edit)"   3:28
6. "Опьянённые нежностью"   4:55
7. "Улыбки сфинксов"   5:59
8. "Эволюция. Тщетность"   6:52
9. "Люди, попавшие в шторм"   5:51
10. "Я всё ещё здесь"   4:53
11. "Сегодня"   4:17
12. "Тёплые воды"   5:31
13. "Всё вышло из-под контроля"   4:03
14. "Для того, кто умел верить"   5:42
No. Title Length
1. "Интро"   0:36
2. "Волна"   3:34
3. "Отречение"   4:17
4. "Новое матное слово"   5:08
5. "Исполинские чёрные грифы"   3:20
6. "Тёплые коты"   4:13
7. "Эйфория"   5:24
8. "Никто не должен прийти"   5:13
9. "Два облака"   5:17
10. "Ресница"   4:02
11. "...и Солнце встаёт над руинами"   5:18
12. "Река времён"   4:35
13. "Коралловые небеса"   3:47
14. "Мечты"   4:31
15. "Мы никогда не умрём"   4:14

"Почти живой"

No. Title Length
1. "Синие тени"   4:21
2. "Печальный клоун"   4:22
3. "Золотые воды Ганга"   5:21
4. "Маленькие феи"   3:43
5. "Рай на полчаса"   4:28
6. "Уходи, февраль!"   4:02
7. "Экзорцизм"   4:05
8. "Обескровленная Мэри"   6:15
9. "Сердце мира"   5:22
10. "Никогда"   4:40


No. Title Length
1. "Печальный клоун"   4:24
2. "Зафиксировать вечность"   4:46
3. "Осеннее равноденствие"   3:45
4. "Это все для тебя, Танцующий Бог"   5:03
5. "Маленькие феи"   3:03
6. "Настоящее что-нибудь"   3:02
7. "Сны в раскаленной пустыне"   5:18
8. "Опасная бритва"   3:58
9. "Струна"   5:53
10. "Сердце"   3:58
11. "Как все уходит"   4:26
No. Title Length
1. "Интро"   0:47
2. "Зов маяка"   4:27
3. "Разбег"   5:03
4. "Человек 33 черты"   6:55
5. "Дирижабли"   3:53
6. "Да, это так"   4:41
7. "Расскажи мне о своей катастрофе"   6:13
8. "Розовый слон"   5:06
9. "Амулет"   7:51
10. "Камень"   3:30
11. "Качели"   4:53
12. "Летняя ночь, летящая в пустоте"   7:02
13. "Апрельское утро"   5:00
14. "Тёплая осень"   3:33
15. "Лунные лилии"   6:06
16. "Последний танец зимы"   5:38
17. "Непобедимая армия"   5:27
No. Title Length
1. "Интро"   01:04
2. "Живое"   04:03
3. "Тридцать семь"   05:01
4. "Шиповник"   05:02
5. "Это будет моим ответом"   03:52
6. "Великое ничто"   06:07
7. "Спасти"   03:21
8. "Вальсаутро"   02:01
9. "Vakna 1"   1:36
10. "Дикое сердце"   03:42
11. "Маятник вечности"   06:48
12. "Проповедники"   06:44
13. "Оборвалось"   03:57
14. "Vakna 2"   3:08
15. "Мир потерянных вещей"   04:44
16. "Спасибо"   05:11

Albums released in France

French edition of "Прикосновение".

No. Title Length
1. "Intro"   0:35
2. "Blue Shades"   4:36
3. "On the Dark Side of the Moon"   3:38
4. "Injection"   4:12
5. "Dancing God"   5:35
6. "A Sad Clown"   4:05
7. "Carrousel"   6:31
8. "By the Soft Paws"   3:46
9. "Lullaby for the Sun"   4:56
10. "The Heart"   4:11
11. "Golden Waters of Gang"   5:51
12. "February"   3:50
13. "Fadeaway"   4:44

French edition of "Волшебство".

No. Title Length
1. "Intro"   0:49
2. "The Emptiness"   3:51
3. "Almost Real"   5:09
4. "Formalin"   4:03
5. "The Ballad Of White Wings And Scarlet Petals"   5:29
6. "Repair"   4:01
7. "Medallion"   4:36
8. "I Will Do It"   5:07
9. "Never"   4:29
10. "The String"   5:37
11. "Russian Roulette"   5:33
12. "Legion"   4:57
13. "Horizon"   4:22

French edition of "Сияние".

No. Title Length
1. "Intro"   0:37
2. "Cocoon"   4:42
3. "To Fix the Eternity"   4:24
4. "The Sky Wants to Fall Down"   3:43
5. "Shining"   5:03
6. "Be My Sense"   5:22
7. "You Can't Forbid It to Me"   6:16
8. "Someone"   4:33
9. "Friend That Will Never Betray"   3:29
10. "Strange Dream Music"   5:16
11. "Over the Waterfall"   4:32
12. "Mystery"   4:09
13. "The Bridge over Misty Bay"   5:22



No. Title Length
1. "Два облака"   4:39
2. "Тёплые коты"   4:13
3. "Голубые мягкие пластинки (live)"   3:53
4. "Моральный ущерб (live)"   3:46

Unofficial releases

External links


Fan resources


