Fish (poker)

A fish is someone who does not really know how to play poker well. Usually, the fish loses a big amount of money because he/she would call you with anything or was not able to play the hand well. Be careful because when the fish hits something, it is hard to make them fold. Fish can sometimes be easily outplayed. Fishes can easily be spotted after playing a few hands with them. Also, fishes would sometimes rely solely on luck and would not really care how he/she has played a hand in poker. There are different kinds of fishes out there. Once you spot them, you have to know how he/she plays because they usually have just one playing style. A fish is also weak when it comes to bluffing and you can also easily see the tells they are showing.[1]

Fish plays with strategy : Call, call, call. Fish never raises, unless he/she has A-A or K-K when he/she puts all in.
