Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters is a Finnish academy for natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. It is known in Latin as Societas Scientiarum Fennica, in Swedish as Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten, and in Finnish as Suomen Tiedeseura.

The society was founded in 1838 and is based in Helsinki. It has a total of 120 full ordinary Finnish members, excluding members who have reached the age of 67 (a member who reaches the age of 67 retains the rights as a member but leaves his or her chair open for election of a new member), and 124 foreign members. It is divided into four sections: I: mathematics and physics, II: biosciences, III: humanities, and IV: social sciences.

The society publishes a yearbook, the periodical Sphinx and a number of series of publications in various fields. It also gives out a number of prizes and grants for scientific and scholarly work.

The society is and has historically always been mainly Swedish-speaking and in 1908 another, Finnish-speaking academy was founded, the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. In addition Finland has two technical academies. The four Finnish academies have an organ for cooperation, the Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters.

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See also