Fingerloop braid

Fingerloop braids worked in the "grene dorge" or barleycorn pattern.

Fingerloop braiding is a technique of making sturdy, and decorative, cords from threads. It is a type of braiding known as loop manipulation. The braid is made from loops of thread, attached at a central point, and the loops placed over the fingers and interlaced in different ways.[1]

It originated in the Middle Ages, and excavations from London have produced numerous examples in silk, between the second half of the 12th century, and first half of the 15th.[2] From the 15th century onwards, various directions and recipes for different fingerloop braid techniques began to appear in books and in print.[1]

A related technique, which involved the loops being placed over the hand or fingers, is the Japanese kute-uchi style.[3] This technique arose in the 7th Century, and were used through the Middle Ages to the 19th century, for uses such as tying armour.[4]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Benns, E. 2007. "Set on Yowre Hondys:" Fifteenth Century Instructions for Fingerloop Braiding in Netherton R. and Owen-Crocker, G. Medieval clothing and textiles Vol. 3. Boydell Press.
  2. Crowfoot, E., Pritchard, F. and Staniland, K. 1992. Medieval finds from excavations in London: 4. Textiles and clothing c.1150–c.1450. (HMSO, London.)
  3. Illustrated Instruction: Kute-uchi L–M BRIC News, 2004.
  4. Single-face Tortoise-shell Design Braids L–M BRIC Illustrated Instruction Series No. 7

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