Financial Secrecy Index

The Tax Justice Network’s Financial Secrecy Index highlights places around the world that provide (relatively) safe havens for tax evaders. The index was calculated in 2013 and includes data from 82 countries and territories. By ranking jurisdictions according to both their secrecy, and the scale of their activities, the organization aims to provide a ranking of them in terms of financial secrecy and ability to evade taxes.[1]

Financial Secrecy Index, 2013

Eighty-two countries and territories were included in the 2013 Financial Secrecy Index.[1]

RankCountry or territoryFSI ValueSecrecy ScoreGlobal Scale Weight
1  Switzerland1,765.2784.916
2 Luxembourg1,454.46712.049
3 Hong Kong1,283.4724.206
4 Cayman Islands1,233.5704.694
5 Singapore1,216.8704.280
6 USA1,212.95822.586
7 Lebanon747.8790.354
8 Germany738.3594.326
9 Jersey591.7750.263
10 Japan513.1611.185
11 Panama489.6730.190
12 Malaysia (Labuan)471.6800.082
13 Bahrain461.1720.182
14 Bermuda432.3800.061
15 Guernsey419.3670.257
16 United Arab Emirates (Dubai)419.0790.061
17 Canada418.5542.008
18 Austria400.8640.371
19 Mauritius397.8800.047
20 British Virgin Islands385.4660.241
21 United Kingdom361.34018.530
22 Macao360.4710.108
23 Marshall Islands329.6820.022
24 Korea328.7540.978
25 Russia325.2600.318
26 Barbados317.4810.021
27 Liberia300.8830.014
28 Seychelles293.4850.011
29 Brazil283.9520.768
30 Uruguay277.4720.040
31 Saudi Arabia274.2750.028
32 India254.5461.800
33 Liechtenstein240.9790.011
34 Isle of Man237.2670.049
35 Bahamas226.8800.009
36 South Africa209.7530.260
37 Philippines206.6670.033
38 Israel205.9570.132
39 Netherlands204.9500.430
40 Belgium199.2451.031
41 Cyprus198.9520.264
42 Dominican Republic193.7730.012
43 France190.9412.141
44 Australia168.1470.394
45 Vanuatu164.9870.002
46 Costa Rica157.6710.008
47 Ireland155.5372.646
48 New Zealand151.4520.126
49 Gibraltar147.8790.003
50 Norway142.7420.667
51 Guatemala142.4770.003
52 Belize129.8800.002
53 Latvia128.1510.090
54 Italy118.9390.748
55 Aruba113.3710.003
56 Spain111.3361.504
57 Ghana109.9660.005
58 Curaçao106.4770.001
59 U.S. Virgin Islands102.8690.003
60 Botswana98.9730.002
61 Anguilla96.7760.001
62 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines85.1780.001
63 Turks and Caicos Islands81.8780.000
64 Malta78.0440.079
65 Saint Lucia66.8840.000
66 Denmark63.1330.605
67 Antigua & Barbuda60.4800.000
68 San Marino59.5800.000
69 Portugal (Madeira)57.9390.092
70 Grenada55.7780.000
71 Sweden55.7320.440
72 Hungary54.6400.056
73 Brunei50.6840.000
74 Andorra43.3760.000
75 Monaco38.8750.000
76 Samoa31.0880.000
77 Dominica26.9790.000
78 Cook Islands25.2770.000
79 Maldives21.0790.000
80 Saint Kitts and Nevis18.4800.000
81 Nauru0.0790.000
82 Montserrat0.0740.000
  United Kingdom, Crown Dependencies, and British Overseas Territories
  Independent countries (plus one associated state) under the jurisdiction of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council

Dominica has since abandoned the JCPC (March 2015)

See also

Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Financial Secrecy Index - 2013 Results". Tax Justice Network. November 7, 2013.