Filippo and Bernardo Giunti

The press of Filippo Giunti (1450–1517) and Bernardo Giunti (1487–1551)[1] was a leading printing firm in Florence from the turn of the sixteenth century.[2] The first of the Giunti presses was established in Venice by Luca Antonio Giunti the elder (1457–1538), a Florentine. The Giunti also controlled a press at Lyon.

In Venice the Giunti press was the most active publisher and exporter of liturgical texts in Catholic Europe.[3]

In Florence the Giunti sought an effective monopoly of music-printing. Prominent in the output of the press are bandi and laws promulgated by the Grand Dukes of Tuscany, for whom the Giunti operated virtually as an official press.

The classic bibliographic monograph, De Florentina luntarum typographia by Angelo Maria Bandini,[4] details the output of the press at Florence by year from 1497 to 1550. Bandini was able to build upon a printed catalogue of 1604.[5]

After the death of Bernardo in 1551, the presses continued to be operated by their heirs.


  1. Their surname is also found as Giunta or di Giunta.
  2. "The chief presses in the city were run by members of the Giunti and Sermatelli families," noted Tim Carter, "Music-Printing in Late Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth-Century Florence: Giorgio Marescotti, Cristofano Marescotti and Zanobi Pignoni" Early Music History 9 (1990:27-72) p. 31.
  3. John Rigby Hale, A Concise Encyclopaedia of the Italian Renaissance, 1981:159.
  4. Bandini, Angelo Maria (1791). De Florentina luntarum typographia eiusque censoribus ex qua Graeci, Latini, Tusci scriptores ope codicum manuscriptorum a viris clarissimis pristinae integritati restituti in lucem prodierunt; Accedunt excerpta uberrima praefationum libris singulis praemissarum. Lucae: Franciscus Bonsignorus.
  5. Catalogus librorum qui in Iuntarum biblioteca Philippae haeredum Florentiae prostant, Florence, 1604; noted in Ferruccio Ferrari, Notizia bibliografica di alcuni rari opuscoli pubblicati dai Giunti in Firenze dal 1537 al 1591 posseduti alla R. Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa, Bologna, 1887.