Fifth Dimension Operations

The Fifth Dimension of Warfare, was enunciated in 1995 as Information Operations.[1]

Core U.S. Military Doctrine

This is part of core U.S. Military doctrine, that recognizes at least five dimensions, or 'domains of warfare' for which it is responsible:[2]

The origin of the concept of Fifth Dimension Operations, was a criticism that the 'domain approach' reflected "s failure to think beyond the normal “four” dimensions of threats, both domestic and international."[3]

Expansion of the Concept of Fifth Dimension Operations

In more recent times, the concept of Fifth Dimensional Operations, as a concept under military operations, has taken a wider scope, that its original information operations background, focusing on "the advanced space-time manipulating capabilities cyberspace offers".[4] This development, was began as early as 1996, in regards to Advanced Battlespace and Cybermaneuver Concepts.[5]

Historical Analysis

The historical analysis used to justify the concept of Fifth Dimensional Operations being developed, was the notion that:

1995-1996 Critique of Information Operations as a Fifth Domain Approach

Core arguments, used in the development of the Concept of Fifth Dimension Operations, have been:

This was based on the criticism that the traditional concepts of the “battlefield” are outmoded, primarily because they only deal with four dimensions (length, width, the vertical dimension, and time, or the temporal aspect), and not with the fifth dimension, cyber; and "that the future effectiveness of the U.S. Army is limited by its belief that the “battlespace is composed of separate, discrete physical and electromagnetic dimensions”.[11] Another key concept, in developing Fifth Dimension Operations, is the recognition:
"there is now a technological solution - an approach that makes possible the feat of entering the opponent's decision making loop via the imaginative use of information technology. In the sense, its key contribution is that it conceptually presupposes that as we move into the Information Age new possibilities are realized as the ability to enter into the mind of the opponent becomes reality, not merely guessing at their motives and actions, but molding and directing them as well."[12]

Merging of Fifth Dimension Operations with the Multidimensional Battlespace

The concept of a Five-Dimensional Operational space, is based on the notion, that there is a structural dimension to modern-day tactics and operational art, and that this has developed from the challenge posed by:

Current Formulation of Fifth Dimension Operations

The current formulation of the concept of Fifth Dimension Operations is that "battlefield dominance in a future war will depend on “total cyberspace dominance—not just digital battlespace dominance”.[15]

Relationship to Three-Dimensional (3D) Tactics Analysis

The Concept of Fifth Dimension Operations, is conceptually based on adding the "five-dimensional, holistic approach to warfare that uses the three dimensions of land, sea, and aerospace but also incorporates the temporal and cyber dimensions of warfare.[16]


A core technical component of Fifth Dimension Operations is Cyberwarfare, and Cyber-attack.[17] In Fifth Dimension Operations, the concept of 'Cyber-Attack', is defined as: “the totality of the communication and interaction between fielded forces. Thus, a cyber attack means an attack that manipulates the ‘data’ that is exchanged in the process of communication. And, the more data disrupted or destroyed, the more effective the attack".[18]

Information Warfare and Fifth Dimension Operations

Information Warfare historically as a concept, has tended to be more developed under U.S. Military doctrine, and tends to favor technology, and tends to extend into the realms of Electronic Warfare, Cyber Warfare, Information Assurance and Computer Network Operations/Attack/Defense. Concurrently, a more broader term of Information Operations has developed combining the making use of technology, as well as focusing on the more human-related aspects of information use, including social network analysis, decision analysis and the human aspects of Command and Control. This broader view has become the basis for Fifth Dimension Operations.[19]

Application to Terrorism Analysis

The application of Fifth Dimension Operations to terrorism analysis has been developing the concept that: "terrorists hide in a “virtual” domain that cannot be reached using “organic camouflage, sympathetic social spaces, or aspects of cyberspace to mask their activities”.[20]

New Concept in Command-and-Control Models

A core idea in Fifth Dimension Operations, is a remodeling of the traditional concept of C2 (Command and Control), which is characterized as "expertise and authority is placed at a central location, usually referred to as the command post".[23] However, in Fifth Dimension Operations, the more complex the tactical situation (particularly those involving nuclear, biological, and/or chemical threats), there is a greater need for the expertise of those not usually associated with tactical situations, including professors, scientists, and engineers located at distant facilities. These problems can be overcome with the creation of a “cyber command post” where, through the use of cellular, video, and VOIP technology, the geographically distant Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) bring to bear on the tactical situation their unique expertise.


  1. Remarks as delivered by Gen. Ronald R. Fogleman, Air Force chief of staff, to the Armed Forces Communications-Electronics Association, Washington, April 25, 1995.
  2. Kevin Benedict. Information Operations: The Fifth Dimension of Warfare. December 11, 2012.
  3. Jeff D. Dailey. (August 31, 2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War - A Book Review. URL:
  4. "Is Virtual Reality Changing the Nature of War?” By Robert Bunker for ISN MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2014.
  5. Robert J. Bunker. Advanced Battlespace and Cybermaneuver Concepts: Implications for Force XXI. Parameters, Autumn 1996, pp. 108-120.
  6. Jeff D. Dailey. (August 31, 2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War - A Book Review. URL:
  7. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse: p.64.
  8. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse.
  9. Christopher James Flaherty (1996) Australian manoeuvrist strategy. Seaview Press.
  10. Earle, E. M. (eds.), Makers of Modem Strategy (Princeton, 1943).
  11. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse: p.6.
  12. "Far horizons in strategy: Australian special forces strategy", Christopher James Flaherty (1997). Seaview Press (Chapter 4: Strategy in the Information Age, p.29).
  13. Flaherty, C. The Role of Command and Influence in Australian Multidimensional Manoeuvre Theory. Australian Defence Force Journal (ISSN: 13202545), Number 162 Sep/Oct 2003, pp31-38
  14. John P. Sullivan and Adam Elkus. (2009) Police Operational Art for a Five-Dimensional Operational Space.
  15. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse: p.10.
  17. Cyberwar: War in the fifth domain July 1st, 2010.
  18. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse: p.115.
  19. John P. Sullivan and Adam Elkus. (2009) Police Operational Art for a Five-Dimensional Operational Space.
  20. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse: p.116.
  21. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse: p.117.
  22. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse: p.102.
  23. Robert J. Bunker & Charles "Sid" Heal. (2014) Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War—A Terrorism Research Center Book. iuniverse: p.116.