Feudal barony of Bampton

Remnant of the motte of Bampton Castle, ancient seat of the feudal barons of Bampton; looking eastwards, with town of Bampton beyond to right
Bampton Castle motte viewed in winter
View of Bampton, with castle mound to right, painted in 1800 by Rev. John Swete (d.1821)

The feudal barony of Bampton was one of eight feudal baronies in Devonshire which existed during the mediaeval era, and had its caput at Bampton Castle within the manor of Bampton.[1]


Domesday Book

The Domesday Book of 1086 lists Baentone as one of the 27 Devon holdings of Walter of Douai, also known as Walscin[2] Walter was also feudal baron of Castle Cary in Somerset.[3] At Bampton he established a castle,[4] the motte of which survives today. The manor was a very large holding of 76 households,[5] and previously to the Norman Conquest of England of 1066 had been held in demesne by King Edward the Confessor. As a manor in the royal demesne it had paid no tax.[6] Walter had obtained it from William the Conqueror in exchange for the manors previously granted to him of Ermington and Blackawton.[7] According to the Book of Fees[8] the member manors of the barony of Bampton included: Duvale, Hele(possibly Hele, Clayhanger,[9] Doddiscombe, Hockworthy, Havekareland (possibly Hawkerland, Colaton Raleigh) [10] Legh (Lea Barton, Hockworthy)[11] Walter held the manor of Bampton in demesne, but nevertheless he had three tenants who held land somewhere within the manor, namely two men named Rademar, one of whom appears to have been a tenant of several of Walter's Somerset manors.[12] One may possibly have been Rademar the Clerk, Walter's brother.[13] The third tenant was Gerard, thought to have been Walter's steward and his tenant at Bratton Seymour in Somerset.[14] The descent from Walter of Douai was as follows:[15]


The Duchess of Cleveland in her Battle Abbey Roll stated of the Paynel (alias Painell, Paganel, Pagnell, etc.) family: "The various accounts of it, either by Dugdale, or the county historians of places where they held lands, are so contradictory to each other, that to endeavour to reconcile them to any degree of correctness would require more consumption of time and expense in the investigation of public records, than would compensate any author for the undertaking."—Banks. I, for one, should be far from coveting such a task, even if I possessed the ability that it would require"[16] The descent of Paynel, feudal barons of Bampton is as follows, according to Sanders (1960):


The first members of this family to have come to England were Wynebald de Ballon (c.1058–c.1126), and his brother Hamelin de Ballon (c.1060-c.1090 or 1105/6), sons of Drogo (or Dru) de Ballon, lord of the castle of Ballon, 12 miles north of Le Mans, capital of the ancient province of Maine. From its strength the castle was known as "The Gateway to Maine". Ballon is today a French commune, in the department of Sarthe (72), in the modern region of Pays-de-la-Loire. Maine was invaded and conquered by William Duke of Normandy in the early 1060s, just prior to his invasion of England.


Arms of Cogan: Gules, three (mulbery) leaves argent. As blazoned by Sir William Pole (d.1635)[23] and as depicted quartered on monument of Lady Frances Bourchier (1587-1612), daughter of William Bourchier, 3rd Earl of Bath (d.1623), in the Bedford Chapel at Chenies, Buckinghamshire.[24] The arms of Cogan (a branch of which later became known as Goggin) are variously blazoned elsewhere as oak leaves, aspen leaves, etc.


Arms of FitzWarin: Quarterly per fess indented argent and gules [38]

The FitzWarin family were powerful Marcher Lords seated at Whittington Castle in Shropshire and at Alveston in Gloucestershire. The title Baron FitzWarin was created by writ of summons for Fulk V FitzWarine in 1295. The descent of the barony of Bampton in the FitzWarin family is as follows:[39]


Arms of Hankford of Annery, Devon: Sable, a chevron barry nebuly argent and gules [41]

Sir Richard II Hankford (c.1397-1431) (grandson and heir of Sir William Hankford (d. 1422) of Annery, Devon, Lord Chief Justice of England) married as his first wife Elizabeth FitzWarin, 8th Baroness FitzWarin (c.1404–c.1427). Upon her death the barony must have been in abeyance between her daughters Thomasine Hankford (1423–1453), born and baptised at Tawstock,[42] and Elizabeth Hankford (c.1424-1433) until the death of the latter in 1433, when Thomasine became 9th Baroness.


Canting arms of Bourchier: Argent, a cross engrailed gules between four water bougets sable. Badge: Bourchier knot
Arms of Sapcotes Sable, three dovecotes argent[43] impaling Dinham Gules, four fusils in fess ermine (quartering Arches Gules, three arches argent), Bampton Church
Superimposed remnants of former chest tomb said by Pevsner to be that of Thomasine Hankford (d.1453), wife of William Bourchier (1407-1470), north wall of chancel, Bampton Church, Devon[44]
Detail from Bourchier tomb remnant, Bampton Church, showing in a row within quatrefoils Bourchier knots alternating with water bougets of the Bourchier arms

The Bourchier family, the Devon branch of which, seated at Tawstock Court, was later created Earls of Bath, retained the manor of Bampton until at least the time of Risdon (d.1640) who states in his Survey of Devon that "the Earl of Bath is lord of this manor".[45] The descent of Bampton was as follows:


Arms of Wrey Baronets: Quarterly: 1st: Sable, a fesse between three pole-axes argent helved gules (Wrey);[54] 2nd: Bourchier; 3rd: Within a bordure argent Plantagenet; 4th: de Bohun. Over-all is the Red Hand of Ulster. Above the shield in the centre is a Bourchier Knot or. Above to the dexter is the crest of Wrey: A cubit arm embowed holding a pole-axe argent helved gules, on the sinister side is the crest of Bourchier: A man's head in profile proper ducally crowned or with a pointed cap gules[55] On a scroll underneath the motto of Bourchier: Le Bon Temps Viendra ("The right time will come")

The heir of the Bourchiers was the Wrey family of Trebeigh Manor, St Ive, Cornwall.[56] On the death of Henry Bourchier, 5th Earl of Bath (d.1654), the last in the male line, the title became extinct. The co-heiresses to the Bourchier lands became the three daughters of his first cousin once removed Edward Bourchier, 4th Earl of Bath (1590-1636). The 3rd daughter, Lady Anne Bourchier (1631-?), married firstly James Cranfield, 2nd Earl of Middlesex, the issue of which marriage was soon extinct[57] and secondly to Sir Chichester Wrey, 3rd Baronet (1628-1668), whose descendants inherited the principal Bourchier seat of Tawstock. The Devon biographer John Prince (d.1723) stated that in his day the most part of Bampton remained the posterity of the former Earls of Bath and was the "noble seat" of Lady Wrey, dowager of Sir Bourchier Wrey, 4th Baronet (d.1696).[58]


An old mansion near Bampton Castle, called Castle Grove, was the residence of the Tristram family,[59] who according to Lysons (1822) probably purchased it from the Bourchiers. A mural monument to John Tristram (1668-1722), last of the family to occupy the estate of Duvale within the parish of Bampton, exists in the parish church.[60] The site of the castle was in 1822 the property of Robert Lucas, Esq., heir to the Tristram family.[61]


In 1720 the manor of Bampton was owned by William Arnold, gentleman.[62]


Arms of Fellowes of Eggesford: Azure, a fesse indented ermine between three lion's heads erased or murally crowned argent

In 1720 the manor of Bampton was purchased from William Arnold by William Fellowes (d.1724), Esquire, and his brother Sir John Fellowes, 1st Baronet (d.1724) Deputy Governor of the South Sea Company. The latter died childless.

William Fellowes (d.1724)

William Fellowes had trained as a lawyer at Lincoln's Inn and rose to the position of Senior Master in Chancery. He was the son of William Fellowes by his wife, whom he married in 1653, Susannah Coulson, daughter of William Coulson (d.1664) of London and Greenwich, Kent, by Ann Rhode, daughter of Thomas Rhode, Citizen and Draper of London.[63] Susannah Coulson was the sister and heir of Thomas Coulson (d.1713), MP for Totnes on three occasions, 1692–95, 1698–1708 and 1710–1713 and a director of the East India Company. Coulson was buried in the Fellowes family vault in the church of St Michael Royal, City of London.[64] William Fellowes (d.1724) married in 1695 Mary Martyn, daughter and heiress of Joseph Martyn (d.1718) of St Mary-at-Hill parish in the City of London by his wife Mary. A fine neo-classical mural monument to Joseph Martyn with Latin inscription exists in St Mary-at-Hill Church.[65] William Fellowes was therefore many times an heir, to his brother, who died without progeny, indirectly to Thomas Coulson and to his father-in-law Joseph Martyn, whose will stipulated that his daughter should invest £60,000 in landholdings in Devon.[66] The following deeds are held by Norfolk Record Office:[67]

"Deeds re £30,000 for purchase of estate for William Fellowes, his son-in-law, left by will of Joseph Martyn 1715; manors of Eggesford, Chawley, Borriston, Cheldon, Cudlip, East Warlington, Witheridge, Drayton; hundred of Witheridge; capital messuage called Eggesford, and farm and advowson, Devon, and manor of Mountsey and estates, Somerset, Lord Doneralle to William Fellowes 1718".

William Fellowes died on 19 January 1723 and was buried at Eggesford, which he made his seat at his newly rebuilt mansion. His heir erected a very impressive neo-classical monument which survives in Eggesford Church.[68]

Coulson Fellows (1696-1769)

William Fellowes left at least two sons, his youngest son William Fellows the younger, of Shotesham Park, Norfolk, who established that branch of the family, and the eldest, Coulson Fellowes (1696–1769), MP for Huntingdonshire 1741-1761, of Eggesford and Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire. In 1725 Coulson Fellows married Urania Herbert, daughter of Francis Herbert of Oakley Park, Shropshire, and sister of Henry Herbert, 1st Earl of Powis (1703–1772). The marriage settlement dated 1725 required him to transfer to trustees in tail male the following lands:[69]

"Manors of Eggesford, Chawley also Chawleigh, Borrington also Burrington, Cheldon Cudlip East Worlington Witherigges also Witheridge and Drayford, the Hundred of Witherigges, the capital messuage called Eggesford in Eggesford parish and Chawley, other lands in parish of Eggesford, Wembworthy, Chawley, Borrington, Winkley Rings Ash Dowland Rose Ash Crediton, South Tawton, Great Torrington, Cholmley Cheldon Cudlip East Worlington Witheridges and Drayford, parts of the Manor, borough, hundred, rights and lands of Northtawton, the Manor, borough, hundred, rights and lands of Brampton (sic, Bampton), the Manor of Hollacomb Parramore in p. of Wynkley, lands in Winkley and Winkley Town, messuages in Goldsmith Street and Keylane by Key Gate, Exeter, parts of messuages in Moreton Hamstead and Chagford and the advowsons of the churches of Eggesford, Chawley, Cheldon, and East Worlington, Devon, and the Manor of Mountsey also Mounyseaux and lands in Mounseaux and Dullverton, Somerset".

Coulson Fellows had two sons and three daughters:[70]

Henry Arthur Fellows

The 1811 edition of Risdon's Survey of Devon stated the lord of the manor and hundred of Bampton in 1810 to have been "H. A. Fellows, esquire".[71] Henry Arthur Fellows in fact died in 1792,[72] without progeny and was a younger son of Coulson Fellows (1696-1769).


Arms of Wallop, Earls of Portsmouth: Argent, a bend wavy sable[73]

In 1822 it was the property of the Honourable Newton Fellows,[74] (1772-1854) of Eggesford. He had been born with the name "Newton Wallop", and was the younger son of John Wallop, 2nd Earl of Portsmouth (d.1797) by his wife Urania Fellows, sister of Henry Arthur Fellows (d.1792). Newton Wallop changed his name to Fellows after having become heir to the Fellows' estates, including Eggesford and Bampton, and eventually inherited the Earldom of Portsmouth as 4th Earl of Portsmouth, after the death of his elder brother John Wallop, 3rd Earl of Portsmouth (1767-1853).



  1. Sanders, Contents, pp. ix-xi; the others being Bradninch, Great Torrington, Okehampton, Barnstaple, Berry Pomeroy, Totnes, Plympton
  2. Thorn, Caroline & Frank, (eds.) Domesday Book, (Morris, John, gen.ed.) Vol. 9, Devon, Parts 1 & 2, Phillimore Press, Chichester, 1985, part 2, 23; 23:5
  3. Sanders, p.5, note 2 & p.27, Castle Cary
  4. Risdon, p.64
  5. Professor J.J.N. Palmer, University of Hull
  6. Domesday Book: "This land has never paid tax". Risdon stated: "This place was never gelded, for it was the king's demesne at the Conquest" (Risdon, Tristram (d.1640), Survey of Devon, 1810 edition, London, 1810, p.64)
  7. Thorn, part 2, 23:5
  8. Thorn, part 2, 23:5, quoting "Fees, p.793
  9. Thorn, part 2, 23:5, Hele possibly in Clayhanger
  10. Thorn, part 2, 23:5
  11. Thorn, part 2, 23:5
  12. Thorne, 23:5, quoting Domesday Book Somerset, chap.24
  13. Thorne, 23:5, quoting Eyton, R.W., Domesday Studies, 2 vols., London & Bristol, 1880, vol.1, p.62
  14. Thorne, 23:5, quoting Eyton, R.W., Domesday Studies, 2 vols., London & Bristol, 1880, vol.1, p.62
  15. Sanders, I.J. English Baronies: A Study of their Origin and Descent 1086-1327, Oxford, 1960, p.5, Barony of Bampton
  16. http://www.1066.co.nz/library/battle_abbey_roll2/subchap257.htm
  17. Sanders, p.5, note 3
  18. Sanders, p.5, note 3
  19. Sanders, p.114, Dunster, probable barony
  20. Sanders, p.66, Much Marcle
  21. Sanders, p.66, Much Marcle
  22. Sanders, p.5, note 4
  23. Pole, Sir William (d.1635), Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon, Sir John-William de la Pole (ed.), London, 1791, p.447
  24. Sanders, p.5, note 4, quoting GEC Peerage, III, p.357
  25. Lysons, Magna Britannia: volume 6: Devonshire (1822), pp. 27-47, Bampton
  26. Sanders, p.5, note 4
  27. Sanders, p.5, note 4
  28. Risdon, p.64
  29. Sanders, p.5: he came of age (21) in 1320
  30. http://www.gatehouse-gazetteer.info/Indexs/Locindex.html
  31. Lysons, 1822, quoting Charter Rolls 10 Edw. III
  32. Lysons, 1822
  33. Lysons, 1822
  34. GEC Complete Peerage, vol. V, p.502
  35. GEC Complete Peerage, vol. V, p.500-1
  36. Strong, H.W., History & Description of Tawstock Church, Barnstaple, 1889, p.8
  37. Arms of Fulk V FitzWarin, St George's Roll of Arms, 1285, briantimms.com, St George's Roll, part 1, no. E69
  38. GEC Complete Peerage, vol. V, pp495-512, Baron FitzWarin, pp.495-512
  39. GEC Complete Peerage, vol. V, pp495-512, Baron FitzWarin, pp.504-5
  40. Tristram Risdon's Notebook
  41. GEC, Vol.V, p.507
  42. Also the arms of the ancient family of Shapcott of Shapcott in the parish of Knowstone, Devon, sometimes shown with a chevron or between the dovecotes (Vivian, p.677, pedigree of Shapcott of Shapcott)
  43. Pevsner, Nikolaus & Cherry, Bridget, The Buildings of England: Devon, London, 2004, p.147
  44. Risdon, p.64
  45. Risdon, p.276; Vivian, p.106, pedigree of Bourchier
  46. GEC, Vol.V, p.508; given incorrectly as "Braunton" in Vivian, Lt.Col. J.L., (Ed.) The Visitation of the County of Devon: Comprising the Heralds' Visitations of 1531, 1564 & 1620, Exeter, 1895, p.106, pedigree of Bourchier
  47. Pevsner, Nikolaus & Cherry, Bridget, The Buildings of England: Devon, London, 2004, p.147
  48. GEC, Vol.V, p.508
  49. GEC, Vol.V, p.508
  50. GEC Peerage, IV, p.381
  51. Vivian, p.106
  52. Hoskins, W.G., A New Survey of England: Devon, London, 1959 (first published 1954) , p.327
  53. Debrett's Peerage, 1968, p.877
  54. Vivian, Visitation of Devon, 1895, p.106
  55. http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-61356-trebeigh-manor-st-ive-
  56. Vivian, p.107
  57. Prince's statement reported by Rev. John Swete, per Gray, Todd & Rowe, Margery (Eds.), Travels in Georgian Devon: The Illustrated Journals of The Reverend John Swete, 1789-1800, 4 vols., Tiverton, 1999, vol.3, p.54. Original source of quote in Prince's Worthies of Devon not stated
  58. Lysons, 1822; See Vivian, p.737 for a short pedigree of Tristram of Bampton
  59. Lysons, 1822: "Deuvale, in this parish, belonged successively to the families of Dennis, Cruwys, and Tristram. It was some time since the property of the late Rev. Mr. Newte and now belongs to J. N. Fazakerly, Esq. M.P."
  60. Lysons, 1822
  61. Lysons, 1822
  62. Thomas Rhode's father was a minor gentleman who held property in Ayton Magna, Yorkshire and in South Mimms, Middlesex
  63. History of Parliament, House of Commons 1690-1715, biography of Thomas Coulson MP by Andrew A. Hanham
  64. "Bob Speel's website - St Mary at Hill, between Eastcheap and Lower Thames Street". Speel.me.uk. 2012-02-12. Retrieved 2012-11-07.
  65. Axe, Matthew, Chapman, Lesley & Miller, Sharon. The Lost Houses of Eggesford, published by Eggesford Gardens Ltd., Eggesford, 1995, p.18, stating figure as £60,000
  66. Norfolk Record Office FEL 254, 551
  67. Monument inscribed: "M(emoriae) S(acrum) Gulielmi Fellowes Arm(ige)ri almae curiae cancellariae Magistri quo officio tenente summa legis et aequitatis cura decessit 19.mo (undevicensimo) Jan(uar)ii 1723 aeta(tis) 64. Mariam Josephi Martyn de London mercatoris viri integritate insignis filiam et haeredem duxit; liberos quinqe ex ea genitos viz (videlicet) tres filios et duas filias reliquit. Familiam diu hic permanere cupiens ossa sua hoc in loco deponi voluit". Which may be translated into English as: "Sacred to the memory of William Fellowes, Esquire, Master of the Court of Chancery in holding which office in the highest care of law and equity he departed on the 19th of January 1723 of his age 64. He married Mary the daughter and heir of Joseph Martyn of London, merchant, a man outstanding in integrity; he left five children born from her namely three sons and two daughters. Desiring his family long to remain here he wished his bones to be deposited in this place".
  68. "Access to Archives". The National Archives. Retrieved 2012-11-07.
  69. Progeny of Coulson Fellowes as stated in his will & codicil dated between 30 December 1766 - 3 November 1768, Cambridgeshire County Record Office, Huntingdon, R35/7/2
  70. Risdon, 1810 Additions, p.370
  71. Will proved 1793
  72. Debrett's Peerage, 1968, p.900
  73. Lysons, 1822