February 2005

February 2005 was the second month of that common year. The month, which began on a Tuesday, ended on a Monday after 28 days.

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from February 2005.

February 1, 2005 (Tuesday)
February 2, 2005 (Wednesday)
February 3, 2005 (Thursday)
February 4, 2005 (Friday)
February 5, 2005 (Saturday)
February 6, 2005 (Sunday)
February 7, 2005 (Monday)
February 8, 2005 (Tuesday)
February 9, 2005 (Wednesday)
  • War on Terror: Democrat Jane Harman, the ranking member of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, announces she is planning to introduce a bill to ban torture by U.S. interrogators and bar transfers of detainees to countries that engage in torture. (LA Times)
  • Conflict in Iraq: A suicide bomber kills at least 21 people outside a police recruiting center in Baghdad. In a separate incident also in Baghdad, three policemen die from a firefight in the notoriously dangerous neighborhood of Ghazaliyah. (Newsday/AP)
  • Carly Fiorina, widely considered one of the most powerful women in American business, resigns her post as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, having being asked to do so by the company's board of directors after she failed to cut costs and increase revenue as quickly as the board had hoped. She had served as CEO of the company since 1999 and Chairman of the Board since 2000. (ABC News)
  • British survey ship HMS Scott produces the first sonar survey of the seabed site of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Some images appear to show a landslide 100 metres high and 2 kilometres long. (BBC).
  • Switzerland's Federal Court rules that the money that former Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha took from Nigeria may be returned to the country. Abacha took hundreds of millions of dollars from Nigeria during his rule as dictator. (Swissinfo)
  • The Economic Community of West African States intends to hold an emergency summit in Niger to discuss the political developments about the appointment of Faure Gnassingbé as the president of Togo. (GhanaWeb) (AllAfrica) (BBC)
  • A car bomb, apparently set up by Basque paramilitary group ETA, explodes in Madrid, injuring 31 people outside a conference center where the King and Queen of Spain and President of Mexico were to open an exhibition later today. (Reuters) (BBC).
  • In Canada, former prime minister Jean Chrétien defends his government's actions in an inquiry into the misuse of government advertising and sponsorship funds. (Winnipeg Sun) (Canada.Com)
  • Parliament of France votes in favor of relaxing the 35-hour work week rules. (BBC)
February 10, 2005 (Thursday)
February 11, 2005 (Friday)
February 12, 2005 (Saturday)
February 13, 2005 (Sunday)
  • A shooting incident occurs at Hudson Valley Mall in upstate New York, north of New York City. Two people are injured. Local police believe that this is the work of a lone gunman and have a suspect in custody. (Reuters)
  • Results from the Iraqi election show that a Shi'a group approved by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has won by a landslide with 48% of all votes cast. The nearest rival party, a Kurdish alliance of two parties, won 26% of the vote. The results will stand if not challenged within three days. (BBC)
  • An early morning explosion extensively damages a Paris theater, and slightly injures seven people. (AP via CNN)
  • In Moscow, Russia, thousands protest against the new benefits plan, which replaces such benefits as free transportation and subsidized drugs with small cash payments. (The Washington Post)
  • Two strong aftershocks strike tsunami-devastated Aceh, Indonesia, leading to some panic. (ABC News Online Australia)
  • Windsor Tower in central Madrid, Spain, one of the most prominent buildings in the city, is destroyed in a dramatic fire starting around 23:30 of February 12, Madrid time. Part of the building has been empty for renovations since 2003, but it still held offices for Deloitte & Touche. The Mayor of Madrid says that it is a critical situation and the building may collapse. The cause of the fire is not yet known, but a short-circuit on the 21st floor is suspected. (El Mundo) (BBC)
  • Sister Lucia de Jesus Santos dies. She was the last survivor of three children to whom the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared at Fatima in central Portugal in 1917. (Scotsman) (Daily Telegraph) (CNN)
  • Germans mark the 60th anniversary of the Dresden fire bombing. (AFP-Yahoo!) (CBC)
February 14, 2005 (Monday)
February 15, 2005 (Tuesday)
February 16, 2005 (Wednesday)
February 17, 2005 (Thursday)
February 18, 2005 (Friday)
February 19, 2005 (Saturday)
  • blink-182 officially break up on this date. However, the "indefinite hiatus" was not announced until February 22, 2005.
  • 350 inmates escape from a prison in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. (CNN)
  • A massive demonstration in Rome asks for the release of an Italian journalist abducted in Iraq. (AP via Yahoo!)
  • Former US Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton toured parts of Thailand that were ravaged by the Asian Tsunami. [Newslink missing]
  • An earthquake, registering 6.9 on the Richter scale, strikes South East Sulawesi, Indonesia at 00:04 UTC. (Reuters)
  • Former US President Jimmy Carter is on hand to christen the USS Jimmy Carter, the last of the Seawolf class submarines ordered during the Cold War. The submarine cost 3.2 billion USD. It has a 100-foot (30.5 m) extension for special operations and can reportedly tap undersea cables. (AP via Yahoo!)
  • In a 13-hour operation, doctors in Egypt successfully remove the second head of a baby suffering from the rare disease craniopagus parasiticus. This is the second such operation to take place in a year. The previous operation, in the Dominican Republic, was not successful and resulted in death. (Reuters)
  • The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, is sending a team of experts to Lebanon to investigate the killing of the former prime minister, Rafik Hariri. (BBC)
  • Northern Bank robbery investigation:
    • Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) confirm that £50,000 in unused Northern Banknotes found at Newforge Country Club, a facility for off-duty and retired police officers, was part of the £26 million stolen in the bank robbery. Police still consider it a diversion. (BBC)
    • Gardaí in Cork receive £175,000 from a local businessman, who said he had been asked to keep it. (Independent)
  • The popular Nintendo forum on Zetaboards known as The Nintendo Zone Forums was created by DSFAN121 at 11:21 AM. (TNZ)
February 20, 2005 (Sunday)
February 21, 2005 (Monday)
February 22, 2005 (Tuesday)
February 23, 2005 (Wednesday)
February 24, 2005 (Thursday)
February 25, 2005 (Friday)
February 26, 2005 (Saturday)
February 27, 2005 (Sunday)
February 28, 2005 (Monday)
<< February 2005 >>
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Deaths in February

Ongoing events

Ongoing armed conflicts

Election results
  • 6: Thai national
  • 8: Danish parliament
  • 20: Portuguese parliamentary

Ongoing trials

Wikimedia Commons has media related to February 2005.