Fat City Presents...One For the Ages!
"Fat City Presents...One For the Ages!" is a split single released by Dropkick Murphys and The Vandals in 2003 through Fat City Magazine/Combat Zone Records on 7" vinyl. The record was limited to 1,000 copies.
1. |
"Time to Go (Live)" | | Dropkick Murphys |
2. |
"Change The World With My Hockey Stick" | | The Vandals |
- Past members
- Past touring members
- Joe Delaney
- Stephanie Dougherty
| | Studio albums | |
| EPs | |
| Compilation albums | |
| Live albums | |
| Singles |
- "Curse of a Fallen Soul"
- "10 Years of Service"
- "Good Rats"
- "The Spicy McHaggis Jig"
- "The Wild Rover"
- "Gonna Be a Blackout Tonight"
- "Walk Away"
- "Time to Go"
- "Fields of Athenry"
- "Tessie"
- "Sunshine Highway"
- "The Warrior's Code"
- "I'm Shipping Up to Boston"
- "The State of Massachusetts"
- "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya"
- "The Chosen Few"
- "Going Out in Style"
- "Memorial Day"
- "Sunday Hardcore Matinee"
- "Rose Tattoo"
- "The Season's Upon Us"
- "The Boys Are Back"
- "Rose Tattoo (w/ Bruce Springsteen)
- "Out of Our Heads"
| Split releases | |
| Related articles | |
- Book:Dropkick Murphys