Fantasy Masterworks

Fantasy Masterworks is a series of paperbacks intended to comprise "some of the greatest, most original, and most influential fantasy ever written", and claimed by its publisher Millennium (an imprint of Victor Gollancz) to be "the books which, along with Tolkien, Peake and others, shaped modern fantasy."[1]

It has a companion series in the SF Masterworks line. A separate Future Classics[2] line has also started featuring eight science fiction novels from the last few decades.

The books were numbered only through No. 50; in the 2013 reboot of the series the books are unnumbered, have a uniform look, and feature introductions by well-known writers and critics.

Numbered paperback series (2000-2007)

New design

Title Author Originally Published ISBN Masterworks Published
Aegypt John Crowley 1987 ISBN 978-0-575-08300-4 2013
The Dragon Griaule Lucius Shepard 2013 ISBN 978-0-575-08992-1 2013
Last Call Tim Powers 1992 ISBN 978-0-575-11681-8 2013
The Falling Woman Pat Murphy 1986 ISBN 978-0-575-13314-3 2013
The Phoenix and the Mirror Avram Davidson 1969 ISBN 978-0-575-13038-8 2013
Lord Darcy Randall Garrett 1964–1979 ISBN 978-1-473-20104-0 2014
Votan and Other Novels John James 1966–1969 ISBN 978-0-575-10550-8 2014
The Broken Sword * Poul Anderson 1954 ISBN 978-1-473-20544-4 2014
Ombria in Shadow Patricia A. McKillip 2002 ISBN 978-1-473-20574-1 2014
Beauty * Sheri S. Tepper 1991 ISBN 978-1-473-20659-5 2014
Mythago Wood Robert Holdstock 1984 ISBN 978-1-473-20545-1 2014
Little, Big * John Crowley 1981 ISBN 978-1-473-20547-5 2015
The Book of the New Sun, Volume 1: Shadow and Claw * Gene Wolfe 1983 ISBN 978-1-473-21197-1 2015
Expiration Date Tim Powers 1996 ISBN 978-1-473-21198-8 2015
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld * Patricia A. McKillip 1974 ISBN 978-1-473-21203-9 2015

* Also published in the Fantasy Masterworks numbered series.

See also

External links
