Fanta Régina Nacro

Fanta Régina Nacro (born 4 September 1962) is a film director from Burkina Faso. She received her first degree in audiovisual science and techniques from INAFEC in 1986 and also earned a Master’s Degree in Film and Audiovisual Studies at the Sorbonne.

Her first film was a short called Un Certain Matin (1992). Since then she has produced a number of short films, often taking a humorous perspective on the traditions of her country and the complexity of relations between tradition and modernity. Bintou has won over twenty prizes in international festivals and won the Fespaco prize for best short film in 2001.

Fanta Régina Nacro made her first full length film, Night of Truth (La Nuit de la vérité) in 2004.


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