Fan Hung-hsuan

Fan Hung-hsuan
Chinese name 范鴻軒 (traditional)
Chinese name 范鸿轩 (simplified)
Pinyin Fàn Hóng Xuān (Mandarin)
Jyutping Faan6 Hung4 Hin1 (Cantonese)
Ancestry Cang County, Hebei
Born 5 September 1946
Lu County, Sichuan, China
Occupation Actor
Years active 1974-present
This is a Chinese name; the family name is Fan.

Fan Hung-hsuan (Chinese: 范鴻軒) is a Taiwanese actor who achieved regional fame in East Asia and Southeast Asia for his portrayal of Gongsun Ce in the 1993 TV series Justice Bao.



Year Title Role Notes
1975 Little Sister-in-law (小姨懷春)
1975 Genuine Bodyguard (正宗保鑣)
1976 Love Competition (男歡女愛)
1976 China Armed Escort (保鑣)
1979 Drunk Fish, Drunk Frog, Drunk Crab (醉魚醉蝦醉螃蟹)
1980 The Story of Daniel (丹尼爾的故事)
1981 My Cape of Many Dreams (夢的衣裳)
1995 No Justice for All (真相)


Year Title Role Notes
1988 Ba Qian Li Lu Yun He Yue (八千里路雲和月) Emperor Gaozong of Song
1988 Zai Shui Yi Fang (在水一方)
1989 A Courageous Clan: Mu Kuei-ying (一門英烈穆桂英) Emperor Zhenzong of Song
1993 Justice Bao (包青天) Gongsun Ce
1994 The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants (七俠五義) Eighth Prince
1994 Heavenly Ghost Catcher (天師鍾馗)
1994 Legend of Liu Bowen (劉伯溫傳奇) Emperor Taizu of Ming
1995 Justice Bao (新包青天) Gongsun Ce
1997 700 Million Brides (七億新娘)
1998 Thunderstorm Rider (霹靂菩薩)
2003 Pawnshop No. 8 (第8號當舖)
2003 Return of Judge Bao (包公出巡) Gongsun Ce
2003 Mysterious Cases of Judge Bao (包公奇案) Gongsun Ce
2004 Winner Takes All (野球風雲)
2004 Taiwan Tornado (台灣龍捲風)
2005 The Golden Ferris Wheel (金色摩天輪)
2006 Unique Flavor (天下第一味)
2008 Justice Bao (包青天) Gongsun Ce
2009 Roseate-Love (紫玫瑰)
2010 Justice Bao 1 (包青天之七俠五義) Gongsun Ce
2011 Justice Bao 2 (包青天之碧血丹心) Gongsun Ce
2012 Justice Bao 3 (包青天之開封奇案) Gongsun Ce

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