Families in mission

The Families in Mission are families coming from the Neocatechumenal Way that offer themselves voluntarily and freely, leaving their homes, work and friends to go in mission in the World according to the needs of the Neocatechumenal Way, wherever they are requested by the bishops of the Catholic Church, where evangelization, implantation of the church (implantatio ecclesiae) and/or the foundation of the Neocatechumenal Way is necessary.

The families give their readiness to go to any part of the world, freely, confiding in Divine Providence, and receiving their destination in purpose-held meetings, called (convivences of the families), by the Responsible Team of the Neocatechumenal Way (currently made up of Kiko Arguello, Carmen Hernandez and Father Mario Pezzi, a priest). Their sending usually takes place in the presence of the local Bishop in an official ceremony.

The families in Mission remain united with the original parish and Neocatechumenal Community, towards which they periodically return. Moreover, they are free to interrupt or terminate their missionary experienceat any moment.

The latest sending of two hundred families in mission happened on the 12th of January 2006, after an audience with Pope Benedict XVI.[1]

There are currently around 500 families in mission around the world, in all six continents.

Notes and Documents

  1. Discorso di papa Benedetto XVI nell'udienza concessa alle famiglie neocatecumenali in partenza per la missione (12 gennaio 2006).

See also

External links