Factions (Divergent)

In the Divergent trilogy and film, factions are societal divisions that classify citizens based on their aptitudes and values.[1] The factions are Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), Erudite (the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless), Candor (the honest) and Factionless (those not belonging to any faction, all of which have a serum to keep their faction under control, with the exception of Factionless). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote for the rest of their lives after taking a placement test.


In an interview Roth describes the factions to have expanded from her initial conception when doing worldbuilding. She added Candor to fill "a gap in the reasoning behind the world that needed to be filled."[2]

Abnegation (the selfless)

Abnegation was formed by those who blamed selfishness for human nature's errors. They believe in selfless action and attaining peace through the elimination of selfishness. In doing so they are expected by the faction to devote themselves only to serving others.

The Abnegation head leader is Marcus Eaton. One of the other leaders is Andrew Prior, the father of Beatrice 'Tris' Prior.

Abnegation value the virtue of selflessness over any other. Abnegation initiates are forced upon attaining membership to reject a life of vanity and self-indulgence, in theory to protect themselves from greed and envy (considered forms of selfishness). Gossiping, using a mirror for long periods of time, and buying luxury items are forbidden. As Abnegation members, the focus of their lives will be in serving others instead of themselves: anything done for self-enjoyment is discouraged. Abnegation are usually very quiet, as they don't like to call attention to themselves and find joy in helping others.

Members are expected to be compliant with the wishes of others at all times, even if the other person is an Abnegation as well. They take the stairs so elevators can be used by others. It is not unnatural for strangers on the streets to find an Abnegation helping them with tasks such as carrying their groceries or providing first aid for injuries. Immoral actions such as the usage of guns for violence are not a trait of Abnegation. The faction mandates that guns only be used for self-defense. As Abnegation are viewed as morally incorruptible, the city's political leaders are almost exclusively drawn from this faction, with the notable exception of Erudite leader Jeanine Matthews who was selected due to her high IQ. Because of their outwardly submissive nature, other factions tend to think of them as weak.

At the end of Divergent, the Erudite, as part of their goal to usurp the Abnegation as leader of the society, commits a large-scale genocide on the Abnegation population through the mind controlled-Dauntless members, which destroys 90% of the population, including all but one council member, and forces the remaining ones to seek refuge in other places. As such, they are considered "dead" with only four factions making up the society of Chicago.

Physical traits

The main goal of Abnegation is to forget oneself and serve others, so they wear all gray to be less noticeable. Abnegation clothes are also typically very baggy. Gray robes, pants, and T-shirts are common dress. Women typically pin up their hair and men cut their hair short. Abnegation are allowed to cut their hair every three months, and every six months they pick up a stack of new but nearly identical clothes. The only adornment they are allowed is a simple gray watch, 'And only because it's practical,' as Beatrice 'Tris' Prior says during one of the first chapters of Divergent. They greet each other by bowing their heads, as physical contact is more or less discouraged. Physical displays of affection are forbidden, and thus kissing in public is seen as disgusting.


The Abnegation members reside in a residential area located in the middle of Chicago. All houses are exactly the same size and shape. Their houses are only scantly decorated since they appreciate time for helping and caring others. Each bedrooms are segregated for each genders. Since Abnegation members are usually selected as government officials, it can be assumed that they control The Hub building as well. During the Abnegation faction genocide by the Erudite through the mind controlled-Dauntless members, most of the area is pillaged and destroyed, with the surviving Abnegation members taking up residence in safe zones or becoming refugee in other factions, particularly Amity.


Abnegation, despite being seen as peaceful, neutral, and calm, have a fierce ongoing rivalry with Erudite faction. Abnegation is in charge of the government, and the Erudite, who seek power, believe that they are in fact selfish people who only provide for their own faction. It is very rare for a child born into Abnegation to transfer to Erudite and vice versa, though it has been seen before. For example, Beatrice's brother Caleb Prior switched to Erudite. Due to faction relations parents and family of the Abnegation/Erudite transfers cannot visit their children, as Erudite have banned the Abnegation from their compound.

'Stiff' is common slang for Abnegation, and is commonly used by the Dauntless to describe those from Abnegation. Abnegation transfers to Dauntless are also rare, so Beatrice Prior's transfer was a fairly radical occurrence. The Dauntless have little respect for what they view as the weakness and cowardice of Abnegation; Abnegation similarly prefer to have little to do with the Dauntless, as their faction provides the defense and military for all the factions, and this involves extensive training in weapons use and fighting.

Abnegation was apparently on good terms with Amity in the past. This makes sense, as both factions value peaceful conduct and detest violence.

Abnegation's relationship with Candor is more or less left unmentioned in the books.

Abnegation Manifesto

"I will be my undoing If I become my obsession.
I will forget the ones I love If I do not serve them.
I will war with others If I refuse to see them.
Therefore I choose to turn away from my reflection,
To rely not on myself
But on my brothers and sisters,
To project always outward
Until I disappear."

◾Some members add a final line: "And only God remains." That is at the discretion of each member, and is not compulsory.

Abnegation Initiation

Abnegation's Choosing Ceremony substance is a pile of gray stones, which represent simplicity and humility. Abnegation's initiation ceremony is described as a quiet affair. The initiates, who are required to spend thirty days performing community service before they are considered full members, sit side by side on a bench. One of the older members reads the Abnegation manifesto, then all of the older members wash the initiates' feet. They all share a meal, each person serving food to the person on his/her left. It is said in Insurgent that Abnegation has the fewest number of initiates who fail their initiation.

Dauntless (the brave)

Dauntless was a faction formed by those who blamed cowardice for society's problems. The only answer is to face your fears through bravery.

The Dauntless value the virtue of bravery over any other, as such they train to fight and use weapons to prepare their bodies to respond to threats and challenges, which is necessary if they want to survive life as a Dauntless member. The faction also emphasizes the idea of freedom from fear, and test this daily by attempting death-defying feats. Dauntless members and initiates are the only ones allowed to ride the train and do so in a daring way; jumping onto and off the train while it is moving. Most Dauntless children are known to choose the knife in the simulation of the Aptitude Test when facing the dog and they take the stairs in an act of wildness.


The Dauntless are the only faction that have their members, upon reaching a certain age that hinders their ability to uphold the virtue of their faction, become Factionless, or choose to die. Hence, the faction does not have a member that is of old-age.

The Dauntless have their funerals immediately after they are pronounced dead because they want to acknowledge the death as soon as it happens. It is more of a celebration and there is a lot of drinking. Every member gets a certain amount of points to spend per month; they spend their points on clothing and other resources as they see fit. The traditional jobs of Dauntless include but are not limited to: Fence Guard, City's security force, tattoo artist, weapon maker, fighting for entertainment, or some members volunteer to do jobs that traditionally belong to other factions in order to have them closer and not make members go far away (i.e. nurses).

Physical Traits

Dauntless always dress in black. The women wear skin-tight pants, tights, tight dresses, and black boots and shoes. The men wear black pants and form-fitting shirts. Dauntless like to tattoo and pierce their bodies, men and women alike. Girls might wear dark eyeliner and makeup. They might also dye their hair in unusual colours. In the movie, they are shown to wear some red clothing, close to the colour of maroon so they wouldn't be mistaken for the red that Amity people wear.


The people of Dauntless are in charge of the city's security, protecting its inhabitants from threats within and without as the city's peacekeepers. The Dauntless were previously responsible in policing the Factionless sectors of the city until the City Council voted to relieve them of that duty. Their main task is to guard the fence that surrounds the city. It is considered a dangerous job, but it is also a necessary one and it seems likely that this is part of the reason no other faction has a disagreement with Dauntless. They maintain the city gates which are locked from the outside.


The Dauntless is headquartered in The Pit, an underground network of caves located below Chicago. Inside The Pit are residential areas, arenas used for physical tests for initiates or game fights between members, tattoo area, and others. There is also The Chasm, a deep ravine with sharp rocks and a river below, which is frequently used as a suicide spot for older members about to be exiled from the Dauntless to become factionless, or initiates who feel pressured from losing their ranks, such as Al. Contrasting with the Abnegation, both genders of the Dauntless members sleep inside the same room.


Despite being the most warlike faction, Dauntless appears to have a smoothly neutral relationship with the other factions. While Erudite and Abnegation fight for government control and Candor and Amity fight over peace and deception, Dauntless are seen as the fighters. They prove to be good allies as they are trained in the art of fighting and honing physical skills.

Johanna Reyes of Amity states that "Peace between Amity and Dauntless can only happen when we maintain our distance from each other." Understandably, the Amity's pledge to promote peace is stark contrast of the Dauntless' confrontational nature. Children born into Dauntless rarely leave the faction, as it is easy to remain brave if you were raised in a similar manner from childhood. Children born in Candor and Erudite are the most common transfers to this faction.

Dauntless Manifesto

"We believe that cowardice is to blame for the world's injustices. We believe that peace is hard-won, that sometimes it is necessary to fight for peace.

But more than that:

Dauntless Initiation

  1. The initiates all sleep in the same room (boys and girls).
  2. The initiation process is taken very seriously.
  3. There are three stages to Dauntless initiation: The physical, the emotional, and the mental.
  4. The initiates are separated during the first stage of initiation. The Dauntless born initiates are trained by Lauren, and the transfers are trained by Four.
  5. Any initiates who do not qualify after the first and third rounds are kicked out and become factionless.
  6. The Dauntless born initiates and the transfers are scored separately for the first stage, which is physical combat.
  7. In the physical stage, initiates learn how to fight and are pitted against each other to prove what they have learned. They are scored based on their victories and losses.
  8. In the emotional stage, initiates are put into a simulation where they face their fears,

oblivious to the fact that it is a simple simulation, and have to calm themselves to get out. The Divergent seem to have a knack for this stage, as they are aware it is not real.

  1. In the final stage, the mental, initiates are put into their fear landscapes, which reaches for every fear within the person subjected to it and creates a simulation in which they must face each one. This time, everyone is aware that the simulation is not real.
  2. The Dauntless provide the transfers with some basic black clothing at the beginning of initiation.
  3. Those not in the top five of each initiation class typically end up as guards.
  4. It is tradition for initiates to divide into two teams and play capture the flag with their instructors at the Navy Pier during initiation.
  5. On Visiting Day, initiates are reminded not to seem too attached their families if they visit since the Dauntless take the phrase 'faction before blood' very seriously.
  6. Initiation Day is an exciting but chaotic experience with people everywhere, many of them drunk.
  7. The higher the rank they get, the better jobs they will have.
  8. Dauntless's Choosing Ceremony substance is lit coals, symbolizing their fiery passion for what they do.

Erudite (the intelligent)

Erudite was formed by those who blamed human ignorance for the faults of society. They formed Erudite as a way of eliminating ignorance and darkness from human minds.

Their symbol is a single blue eye that most likely represents their knowledge of the world. Erudite's leader is Jeanine Matthews, proven to be the smartest member of the faction based on her IQ level.


Erudite values the virtue of intelligence and wisdom over any other. The members focus their lives on the pursuit of knowledge. Erudite are expected to delegate themselves in the library reading books, or, most commonly, reading something from the computer. They are also known to have memorized the city map. Members are also known to be particularly eloquent.

Because of the Erudite's thirst for knowledge, they are the ones easily susceptible to moral corruption as knowledge leads to lust for power. Jeanine Matthews is an evident example of this trait.

Physical Traits

Each member must wear at least one article of blue clothing per day. Erudite's main color is blue, as it is a "calming color that helps stimulate the brain".


The faction produces most of the city's librarians, doctors, scientists, and teachers. They are responsible for keeping records of the city and the factions. All technological achievements that the factions benefit from came from Erudite minds, such as the advanced agrarian methods employed by the Amity and all of the simulation serums.


The Erudite is headquartered in skyscrapers located at the heart of Chicago. It is very futuristic compared to other faction headquarters. Anyone who want to enter their headquarters will be scanned to identify their faction of origin; using this, the Erudite is able to forbid entry of the Abnegation family members from visiting their Erudite relatives due to the enmity between Erudite and Abnegation. The Erudite compound houses libraries, laboratories, and other scientific and educational areas.


Erudite harbor a fierce grudge against Abnegation, believing that they are secret-keepers who are not nearly as selfless as they seem. They seek power over the government, and on many occasions sabotage members of Abnegation to get what they want. They also use Dauntless as their soldiers near the end of Divergent. They have a close relationship with Amity, but Amity are not involved in the war because they are the peace faction. No relationship is stated between Erudite and Candor; however, Erudite leader Jeanine Matthews stated that she thought Candor is an unnecessary and hampering faction, as prior to events in Divergent, each faction but Candor had a major impact on society (Abnegation is the governing faction, Amity sources food for the city, Dauntless is in charge of the city's security, and Erudite is in charge of technological advancement and structural development of the city).

Erudite Manifesto

We submit the following statements as truth:

  1. "Ignorance" is defined not as stupidity but as lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge inevitably leads to lack of understanding.
  2. Lack of understanding leads to a disconnect among people with differences.
  3. Disconnection among people with differences leads to conflict.
  4. Knowledge is the only logical solution to the problem of conflict.

Therefore, we propose that in order to eliminate conflict, we must eliminate the disconnect among those with differences by correcting the lack of understanding that arises from ignorance with knowledge.

The areas in which people must be educated are:

  1. Sociology - So that the individual understands how society works at large functions.
  2. Psychology - So that the individual understands how a person functions within that society.
  3. Mathematics - So that the individual is prepared for further study in science, engineering, medicine, and technology.
  4. Science - So that the individual better understands how the world operates. So that the individual's study in other areas is supplemented. So that as many individuals as possible are prepared to enter the fields devoted to innovation and progress.
  5. Communication - So that the individual knows how to speak and write clearly and effectively.
  6. History - So that the individual understands the mistakes and successes that have led us to this point. So that the individual learns to emulate those successes and avoid those mistakes.

Leaders must not be chosen based on charisma, popularity, or ease of communication, all of which are misleading and have little to do with the efficacy of a political leader. An objective standard must be used in order to determine who is best fit to lead. That standard will be an intelligence test, administered to all adults when the present leader reaches fifty-five or begins to decline in function in a demonstrable way.

Those who, after rigorous studying, do not meet a minimum intelligence requirement will be exiled from the faction so they can be made useful. This is not an act of elitism but rather one of practicality: Those who are not intelligent enough to engage in the roles assigned to us—roles that require a considerable mental capacity—are better suited to menial work than to faction work. Menial work is required for the survival of society, and is therefore just as important as faction work.

Information must always be made available to all faction members at all times. The withholding of information is punishable by reprimand, imprisonment, and, eventually, exile. Every question that can be answered must be answered or at least engaged. Illogical thought processes must be challenged when they arise. Wrong answers must be corrected. Correct answers must be affirmed. If an answer to a question is unclear, it must be put to debate. All debates require evidence. Any controversial thought or idea must be supplemented by evidence in order to reduce the potential for conflict.

Intelligence must be used for the benefit, and not to the detriment, of society. Those who use intelligence for their own personal gain or to the detriment of others have not properly borne the responsibility of their gift, and are not welcome in our faction.

It bears repeating: Intelligence is a gift, not a right. It must be wielded not as a weapon but as a tool for the betterment of others.


Erudite's Choosing Ceremony substance is water, symbolizing their desire for clarity. Not much is revealed of the Erudite initiation, but from the manifesto, they most likely study, and take rigorous tests. It is also stated by Therese that there is an initiation intelligence test that, if not passed, results in one becoming factionless. Caleb reveals that each of the initiates selects one topic to research, and is trained in a certain subject of expertise in Erudite.

Amity (the peaceful)

Amity is a faction that dislikes war, discord, and strife of any kind. They blame aggression as the root of all evil. They don't recognize a leader but use Johanna Reyes as their representative/mouthpiece. They are a highly democratic faction, voting on almost everything. Even the food that they eat contains a peace serum, meant to prevent the faction members from fighting. The members wear comfortable red or yellow clothing. Their main contribution to society is growing crops, and they work closely with Erudite to develop new methods of farming.

Amity's Choosing Ceremony substance is a bowl of earth, symbolizing their dedication to the environment. Not much is known about Amity initiation, other than that it includes picking fruit and sing-alongs.


The Amity is the only faction that is allowed to exit the walls that bound Chicago, as their headquarters is located in the forests and farmland immediately outside the walls. Members live in scattered housing areas and assemble in a hub that surrounds a tree where they eat and hold meetings.

Candor (the honest)

The Candor value honesty and cannot tell a lie. They say whatever is the truth, even if it gets them into trouble. Candor children are taught to speak their minds at every moment. They are often lawyers, because they are truthful about everything. The Candor believe that truth is black and white, so that is what they wear. Christina, Tris' best friend, was a former Candor member. Christina mentions in Divergent that in Candor initiation, they use truth serum to make the person tell their darkest secrets, so they have nothing to hide and can be honest. Candor's Choosing Ceremony substance is glass, representing not only transparency but also that the truth can be cutting.


The Candor is headquartered in a building called Merciless Mart (formerly Merchandise Mart). It is a tall, 18-stories building that houses residential areas as well as a large windowless room where the members of Candor gather.


Those who do not belong to any factions are simply called Factionless. Not much is revealed in the film, other than they survive by foraging in garbage and appear to be ostracised by the other factions with the exception of Abnegation, who feed them and care for them.


In Divergent, the factionless is explained as homeless people living in the streets with no headquarters to speak of. However, Insurgent reveals that the factionless do have a headquarters, though dilapidated, hidden inside Chicago and headed by Evelyn Johnson-Eaton.


The factions use certain serums to keep their virtues under control. Every serum is created by Erudite, because they are scientists.

Truth Serum

The Candor use Truth Serum for Candor initiation and interrogation. In Insurgent, the truth serum was visibly used for the first time on Four and eventually on Tris upon arriving in Candor for the first time. Jack Kang, Candor's leader, ordered the two be arrested and interrogated for allegedly committing crimes against humanity. While under the serum, Four was asked questions regarding his involvement in the simulation that controlled almost all of Dauntless, resulting in mass murder of innocent people. He answered truthfully, forced by the simulating effect of the serum. The Candor acquitted him of his crimes upon finding out Four's situation regarding his loss of control under Erudite's simulation. After Four, Tris was also put under the serum and she was forced to answer honestly. She was acquitted as well when they found out that she was in the Dauntless control room only to try to stop Four and the simulation itself.

Simulation Serum

The Simulation Serum is a drug used to induce simulations. It is used in Aptitude Tests and by Dauntless in the second stage of Dauntless Initiation. It was designed by Jeanine Matthews. The Aptitude is administered by drinking, and the Dauntless Initiation is administered by a shot.

Peace Serum

The Peace Serum is a drug that is used by Amity in order to maintain peace in their factions. It was concocted by Erudite, like every other serum. The serum was first seen and administered in Insurgent to Tris Prior, after being in a fight with Peter, who tried to steal the hard drive containing the simulation program. However, the Amity character that gave Tris the serum did not take into account her height and weight, resulting in an overdose that placed Tris in a state of euphoria. The serum's effects can be seen immediately after administration. In small doses, it calms the mind and improves the mood of the person administered. The person may forget why he/she was angry in the first place. A feeling of calmness replaces the irateness of the administered. Dizziness is a common side-effect of the serum. Because the serum's dosage is linked to the person's height and weight, overdosage can be common had the aforementioned factors not be taken into consideration. In large doses, exaggerating effects can be evident. A euphoric and overly-elated feeling can be a common effect. The Peace Serum is apparently baked inside the bread continually made by Amity to maintain peace inside the faction.

Death Serum

The death serum is a substance used by Jeanine Matthews. When Tris surrendered herself for testing, Jeanine attempted to use it, but it was actually a different, non-lethal serum dyed purple. The real serum was in Peter's hands. It is also noted that strong Divergent characters can resist the death serum when Tris resists it in Allegiant. The Death Serum is considered the serum of Erudite, just as the Truth Serum is Candor's, etc. Tris resisted it by thinking about the people she loved and the ones who died for her.

Memory Serum

Revealed in Allegiant as the serum of Abnegation. It is gaseous drug that when inhaled causes the recipient to forget events happened in their life. It can be counteracted by a liquid serum, so the recipient cannot be affected by the Memory serum. The memory serum was nearly used on the whole city by the leader of the Bureau of Genetic Welfare, David, in order to erase everyone's memory inside Chicago, and start his experiment (the faction system) again with a clean slate.


Many reviews for the Divergent novels criticize the social structures creating the factions within the novel. For example, the Kirkus Review, when talking about the first novel, called the social structure a "preposterous premise."[3]


  1. Roth, Veronica. "Bonus materials: Q&A with Veronica Roth". Divergent. New York: Harper Collins, 2011. 8.
  2. Kirsch, Becky. "Divergent Author Veronica Roth Says "All the Pressing Questions That You Have Will Be Answered" in Allegiant". POPSUGAR Entertainment. Retrieved 2014-03-27.
  3. "Divergent". Kirkus Reviews. Retrieved 28 December 2012.