Fabia Eudokia

Empress of the Byzantine Empire
Spouse Heraclius
Issue Eudoxia Epiphania, Constantine III
Full name
Fabia Eudokia
Dynasty Heraclian Dynasty
Father Rogas
Born c. 580
Exarchate of Africa
Died 13 August 612
Burial Church of the Holy Apostles

Eudokia or Eudocia (c. 580 – 13 August 612), originally named Fabia, was a Byzantine woman who became the first empress-consort of Heraclius from 610 to her death in 612. She was a daughter of Rogas, a landowner in the Exarchate of Africa, according to Theophanes the Confessor.


Her birth name was Fabia. She was bethrothed to Heraclius when the future emperor still resided in the Exarchate. The Exarch at the time was her father-in-law Heraclius the Elder.

Heraclius had started a revolt against Phocas in 608. Under unknown circumstances both Fabia and her mother-in-law Epiphania seem to have been captured by Phocas by 610. They spent their captivity in the monastery "Nea Metanoia" (New Repentance) and were used as hostages to prevent Heraclius from besieging Constantinople. The two women were eventually released by members of the Green faction of Byzantine chariot racing events.

They were delivered to Heraclius to the island of Calonymus (now Calomio), leaving him free to launch his successful assault. The Excubitors defected to his side and thus allowed him to enter the city without serious resistance. On 5 October 610, Heraclius was proclaimed Emperor and, on the same day, married Fabia. She took the name Eudokia and was granted the title of Augusta.


Eudokia died on 13 August 612. According to the Chronographikon syntomon of Ecumenical Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople, the cause of death was epilepsy. According to Nikephoros, her funeral was accompanied with an incident revealing how popular she was with the general populace. A maidservant spat out of an upstairs window while the funeral procession was just below it. The coffin was still open and the saliva reached the robes of the corpse. The crowds took offense and the girl was promptly seized and they finished her life in an execution by burning.

Eudokia was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles. Heraclius went on to marry his niece Martina.


Eudokia and Heraclius had only two children:

Royal titles
Preceded by
Byzantine Empress consort
Succeeded by
Martina (empress)

External links