FP Top 100 Global Thinkers

Cover of Foreign Policy's November/December 2014 issue, "A WORLD DISRUPTED: 100 Leading Global Thinkers"

Every year, Foreign Policy magazine recognizes the world’s preeminent thought leaders in its annual issue, "100 Leading Global Thinkers". The list, started in 2009, has become one of Foreign Policy '​s most-read features. Honorees include a wide range of leaders, advocates, innovators, artists, government officials, and visionaries from around the world.

The editors of Foreign Policy select the 100 Global Thinkers based on their standout contributions over the past year and their ability to translate ideas into action that change and shape the world.

Since 2011, Foreign Policy has honored these leaders at an annual celebration, simultaneous to the release of the print issue, in Washington, D.C.


The following are the honorees for the 2014 Leading Global Thinkers issue.

2010 list

The following appeared on the 2010 list.[1]

  1. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates
  2. Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Robert Zoellick
  3. Barack Obama
  4. Zhou Xiaochuan
  5. Ben Bernanke
  6. Celso Amorim
  7. Ahmet Davutoglu
  8. David Petraeus
  9. Robert Gates
  10. Angela Merkel
  11. Michael Bloomberg and Feisal Abdul Rauf
  12. Nouriel Roubini
  13. Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton
  14. Steven Chu
  15. George Soros
  16. Liu Xiaobo
  17. Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs
  18. Shivshankar Menon
  19. Ron Paul
  20. Mohamed ElBaradei
  21. Sergey Brin and Larry Page
  22. Christine Lagarde
  23. Salam Fayyad
  24. Elizabeth Warren
  25. Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn, William Perry, and George Shultz
  26. Paul Krugman and Raghuram Rajan
  27. Fareed Zakaria
  28. Shai Agassi
  29. Paul Collier
  30. Joseph Stiglitz
  31. David Cameron
  32. Cécile Duflot, Monica Frassoni, Renate Künast, Marina Silva
  33. Thomas Friedman
  34. John Kerry and Richard Lugar
  35. Paul Farmer
  36. Michelle Bachelet
  37. Martin Wolf
  38. Esther Duflo
  39. Mohamed Nasheed
  40. Abdolkarim Soroush
  41. Mehdi Karroubi
  42. Agnes Klingshirn and Peter Scott
  43. Nandan Nilekani
  44. Zheng Bijian
  45. Mohamed El-Erian
  46. Kwame Anthony Appiah
  47. Jacques Attali
  48. Robert Shiller
  49. Vaclav Smil
  50. Ashraf Ghani and Clare Lockhart
  51. Ahmed Rashid
  52. Mo Ibrahim
  53. Miles Morland and Rosa Whitaker
  54. Paul Romer
  55. Christopher Hitchens
  56. John Bolton
  57. Nathan Myhrvold
  58. Sendhil Mullainathan and Richard Thaler
  59. Ory Okolloh
  60. Fan Gang
  61. Ayaan Hirsi Ali
  62. Tariq Ramadan
  63. Vinod Khosla
  64. Mario Vargas Llosa
  65. Bjorn Lomborg
  66. Sabina Alkire
  67. Clay Shirky
  68. Malcolm Gladwell
  69. Steven Pinker
  70. John Arquilla
  71. Louise Arbour
  72. Atul Gawande
  73. Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
  74. Michèle Flournoy and Anne-Marie Slaughter
  75. Aung San Suu Kyi
  76. Richard Clarke
  77. Helene Gayle
  78. Lester Brown
  79. George Papandreou
  80. Niall Ferguson
  81. Ethan Zuckerman
  82. Hu Shuli
  83. Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler
  84. Kamal Kar
  85. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
  86. Han Han
  87. Mozah bint Nasser al-Missned
  88. Daron Acemoglu
  89. David Grossman
  90. Martha Nussbaum
  91. Edwidge Danticat
  92. Kishore Mahbubani
  93. Malalai Joya
  94. Madeleine Albright
  95. Carl Bildt
  96. Bruce Ackerman
  97. Unity Dow
  98. Michael Mandelbaum
  99. Tarja Halonen
  100. Ian Buruma

2011–2014 lists

The FP Leading Global Thinkers of 2013 were featured in an event on December 10, 2013 which was joint with official remarks of U.S. Secretary of State "John Kerry" at he Four Seasons Hotel in Washington D.C.[7]

The list with names of the FP 100 Leading Global Thinkers 2014 was released on 17 November 2014 at 08:00 am EST and can be looked up on-line[8] and in the Issue 209 of Foreign Policy magazine. [9] This press release was accompanied by the 3rd Annual Transformational Trends Policy Forum, hosted by the FP Group in conjunction with the U.S. Department of State’s Policy Planning Staff, at the Four Seasons Hotel, in Washington, DC. on the 17 November 2014. The title of the Forum was "Transformational Trends - The Power of disruptive Thinking". The Forum included panel discussions with participation of a hand picked U.S. and international audience of several hundred people, including many of the FP 100 Leading Global Thinkers 2014. 45 minutes of keynote remarks were delivered by United States Secretary of State John Kerry.[10][11]

2014 list

The following list [12] was compiled in www.ceoworld.biz by Amarendra Bhushan:

A) Agitators
  1. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
  2. Vladimir Putin
  3. Alexander Dugin
  4. Abubakar Shekau
  5. Alexander Borodai
  6. Hajjaj al-Ajmi
  7. Abd al-Rahman Khalaf al-Anizi
  8. Jihadi John
B) Decision-Makers
  1. Narendra Modi
  2. Angela Merkel
  3. Amit Shah
  4. Hassan Rouhani
  5. Luis Videgaray
  6. Catherine Samba-Panza
  7. Aydan Özoguz
  8. Luis Almagro
  9. José Mujica
  10. Matteo Renzi
C) Challengers
  1. Benny Tai
  2. Joshua Wong
  3. Tetyana Chornovol
  4. Thomas Piketty
  5. Oriol Junqueras
  6. Alex Salmond
  7. Marine Le Pen
  8. The Female Fighters of Kurdistan
  9. Anat Admati
  10. Benjamin Lawsky
  11. Leopoldo López
  12. Thuli Madonsela
  13. Suthep Thaugsuban
  14. Kara Swisher
  15. Houcine Abassi
D) Naturals
  1. Akira Miyawaki
  2. Ruth Buendia
  3. Katharine Hayhoe
  4. Partha Dasgupta
  5. Veerabhadran Ramanathan
  6. Ioane Teitiota
  7. John Kovac
  8. Sonja Heikkilä
  9. Aleta Baun
E) Innovators
  1. Mylswamy Annadurai
  2. Janet Iwasa
  3. Jennifer Lewis
  4. Emmanuelle Charpentier
  5. Jennifer Doudna
  6. Boaz Barak
  7. Alexander Glaser
  8. Robert Goldston
  9. Florent Boudoire
  10. Artur Braun
  11. Edwin Constable
  12. Jakob Heier
  13. Rita Toth
  14. Palmer Luckey
  15. Thierry N’Doufou
  16. Christina Watson
  17. Elizabeth Holmes
  18. Steven Mollenkopf
  19. Arye Kohavi
  20. Mike Janke
  21. Phil Zimmermann
F) Advocates
  1. Hanna Hopko
  2. Rami Abdul Rahman
  3. Hagai El-Ad
  4. Zainab Bangura
  5. Bernard Kinvi
  6. Patrick Nainangue
  7. Lena Klimova
  8. Yevgeny Vitishko
  9. Iris Yassmin Barrios Aguilar
  10. Ilham Tohti
  11. Biram Dah Abeid
  12. Wendy Young
  13. Gloria Amparo
  14. Maritza Asprilla Cruz
  15. Mery Medina
  16. Xiao Meili
G) Chroniclers
  1. Shubhranshu Choudhary
  2. Elena Ferrante
  3. Hajooj Kuka
  4. Michael Lewis
  5. Cristina de Middel
  6. Roberto Trotta
  7. Binyavanga Wainaina
  8. Maryam Mirzakhani
  9. John Oliver
  10. Jennifer Eberhardt
  11. Padmini Prakash
  12. Siân Evans
  13. Dorothy Howard
  14. Richard Knipel
  15. Jacqueline Mabey
  16. Michael Mandiberg
  17. Laurel Ptak
  18. Farah Baker
H) Healers
  1. Josephine Finda Sellu
  2. Kevin Whaley
  3. Larry Zeitlin
  4. Kathryn Hunt
  5. Tanya Luhrmann
  6. Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic
  7. Deepak Kapur
  8. John Rother
  9. Michael Sofia
  10. Weng Kung Peng
  11. Brian Grimberg
  12. John Lewandowski
  13. Sangeeta Bhatia
I) Artists
  1. Kara Walker
  2. Maymanah Farhat
  3. Mohannad Orabi
  4. Jason deCaires Taylor
  5. Alexander Ponomarev
  6. Nadim Samman
  7. Rithy Panh
  8. Sam Hopkins
  9. Kiluanji Kia Henda
  10. Camille Henrot
  11. Silver X
  12. Anila Rubiku
  13. Shamsia Hassani
  14. Hong Sung-dam
  15. Shigeru Ban
J) Moguls
  1. Jack Ma
  2. Gennady Timchenko
  3. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
  4. Lei Jun
  5. Arundhati Bhattacharya
  6. Reema Bint Bandar Al Saud
  7. Jay Flatley


  1. "The FP top 100 global thinkers". Prospect magazine. 2010. Retrieved 26 July 2014.
  2. "The FP Top 100 Global Thinkers". Foreign Policy.
  3. "The FP Top 100 Global Thinkers". Foreign Policy.
  4. "The Leading Global Thinkers of 2013". foreignpolicy.com.
  5. "Remarks at the Transformational Trends Strategic Forum". U.S. Department of State.
  6. "The Leading Global Thinkers of 2013". foreignpolicy.com.
  7. "Secretary Kerry To Deliver Remarks at the 2nd Annual Transformational Trends Strategic Forum". U.S. Department of State.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "A World Disrupted: The Leading Global Thinkers of 2014". foreignpolicy.com.
  9. Foreign Policy magazine issue 209, November/December 2014 (The 100 Leading global Thinkers - Our Annual Special Issue), page 5 (list) and pages 48-103 (biographies)
  10. "November 17 - Monday". U.S. Department of State.
  11. "Secretary Kerry to Deliver Remarks at the 3rd Annual Transformational Trends Policy Forum". U.S. Department of State.
  12. "List Of The Top 100 Global Thinkers Making A Difference In The World: 2014 FP Edition - CEOWORLD". CEO WORLD News.