Făt Frumos (magazine)

For the fairy tale character, see Făt-Frumos.
Făt Frumos

First page of Făt Frumos, April 1904 issue
Categories literary magazine
Frequency semimonthly
First issue March 15, 1904
Final issue February 1, 1906
Country Romania
Language Romanian

Făt Frumos was a semimonthly literary magazine published in Bârlad, Romania. Covering political, economic and literary topics, was first printed on March 15, 1904, at the C. D. Lupaşcu printing shop. The chief editors were George Tutoveanu and D. Nanu, and, at a later date Corneliu Moldoveanu and Anastasie Mândru. The last issue of the magazine was printed on February 1, 1906. From March 1, 1909 to April 1, 1909, it was edited by writer Emil Gârleanu.

Făt Frumos was an important presence on Romania's literary scene, publishing contributions by known writers such as Mihail Sadoveanu, Nicolae Iorga, Eugen Lovinescu, Gheorghe Vâlsan, Arthur Gorovei, Dimitrie Anghel, Elena Farago and Ilarie Chendi.