Expedición Robinson 2000

Expedición Robinson 2000, was the first season of the Argentine version of the Swedish show Expedition Robinson and it aired 2000. This season took place on an island in Panama. During the pre-merge portion of the competition the North team initially proved to be the weaker team after losing the first two immunity challenges, however in the end the South team proved to be weaker as they lost the last four immunity challenges. Shortly after the merge the former North team members turned on each other, voting out three of their own. When it came time for the final four, the remaining contestants competed in two challenges to determine who would be the final two. Ultimately, Sebastián Martino who won this season over Adrián Miani by an unknown jury vote.

Next serie : Expedition Robinson 2001

Finishing order

Contestant Original
María Heyde South Team 1st Voted Out
Day 4
Laura Genovese South Team 2nd Voted Out
Day 7
Andrea Álvarez North Team 3rd Voted Out
Day 10
Ezequiel Gaston Oliva South Team 4th Voted Out
Day 13
Guillermo Tissone South Team 5th Voted Out
Day 17
Libia Cambra North Team 6th Voted Out
Day 20
Mariana Costelli North Team Robinson 7th Voted Out
Day 24
Daniel "Capi" Serenelli North Team 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 28
Diego "Winner" Garibotti North Team 9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 31
Armando Liussi de Paoli South Team 10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 35
Consuelo Lyonnett South Team 11th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 39
Rodrigo "Chopper" Bedoya North Team 12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 45
María "Marisa" Correas South Team 13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 47
Picky Paino North Team Lost Challenge
7th Jury Member
Day 48
Adrián Miani South Team Runner-Up
Day 49
Sebastián Martino North Team Sole Survivor
Day 49

Game Progress

Episode Date shown on TV Challenges Eliminated Finish
Reward Immunity
#1 2 October 2000 None North Team María 1st Voted Out
Day 4
#2 ????, 2000 South Team North Team Laura 2nd Voted Out
Day 7
#3 ????, 2000 North Team South Team Andrea 3rd Voted Out
Day 10
#4 ????, 2000 North Team North Team Gastón 4th Voted Out
Day 13
#5 ????, 2000 North Team North Team Guillermo 5th Voted Out
Day 17
#6 ????, 2000 South Team South Team Libia 6th Voted Out
Day 20
#7 ????, 2000 None Diego Mariana 7th Voted Out
Day 24
#8 ????, 2000 Sebastián Sebastián Daniel 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 28
#9 ????, 2000 Diego
Adrián Diego 9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 31
#10 ????, 2000 Sebastián Adrián Armando 10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 35
#11 ????, 2000 Auction Sebastián Consuelo 11th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 39
#12 ????, 2000 Rodrigo
Picky Rodrigo 12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 45
#13 ????, 2000 None Sebastián Marisa 13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 47
Adrián Picky Lost challenge
7th Jury Member
Day 48
Jury vote Adrián Runner-Up
Day 49
Sebastián Sole Survivor
Day 49

Voting history

Starting tribes Merged Tribe
Episode #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Eliminated: María
7/8 votes
5/7 votes
7/8 votes
3/6 votes
3/5 votes
4/7 votes
9/10 votes
5/9 votes
4/9 votes
4/8 votes
4/7 votes
3/6 votes
1 vote
No vote
3/7 votes
4/7 votes
Sebastián Andrea Libia Mariana Armando Armando Consuelo Consuelo Rodrigo Marisa Jury Vote
Adrián María Laura Guillermo Guillermo Mariana Daniel Diego Armando Picky Marisa Win
Picky Andrea Daniel Mariana Daniel Armando Consuelo Consuelo Rodrigo Lose Sebastián
Marisa María Laura Gastón Guillermo Mariana Rodrigo Diego Armando Picky Rodrigo Sebastián
Rodrigo Andrea Libia Mariana Daniel Armando Armando Consuelo Marisa Adrián
Consuelo María Guillermo Gastón Guillermo Mariana Daniel Diego Armando Picky Picky Adrián
Armando María Laura Marisa Consuelo Mariana Daniel Diego Consuelo Consuelo Adrián
Diego Andrea Libia Mariana Armando Armando Consuelo Sebastián
Daniel Andrea Libia Mariana Armando Picky Sebastián
Mariana Andrea Daniel Consuelo
Libia Andrea Daniel
Guillermo María Laura Gastón Consuelo
Gastón María Laura Marisa
Andrea Rodrigo
Laura María Guillermo
María Guillermo

External links