Exhibition of Eleven (Leningrad, 1972)

Quince and Teapot
Artist Victor K. Teterin
Year 1966
Location Private collection, Russia

The Exhibition of eleven artists (Russian: Выставка произведений одиннадцати ленинградских художников 1972 года) was opened at the end of 1972 in Leningrad on the Okhta district in the new Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation and became a significant important event in the Soviet Fine Art of 1970-1980s.[1]


The idea of the exhibition came from three artists - Valery Vatenin, German Yegoshin, and Zaven Arshakuny. These artists were friendly since 1950th when they were studied in Repin Institute at the painting department.[2] They invited some other Leningrad painters to take part in this exhibition including Yaroslav Krestovsky, Boris Shamanov, Leonid Tkachenko, husband and wife Victor Teterin and Evgenia Antipova from the elder generation, Valentina Rakhina, a wife of German Yegoshin, a young talent artist Vitaly Tulenev and sculptor Konstantin Simun.

Contributing Artists

Ten known artists and a sculptor were participants of this exhibition:

Contributed Artworks


The Exhibition of eleven Leningrad artists (called later as the exhibition of "Eleven") was opened October 24th, 1972. It showed the creation of the "left wing" of the Leningrad Union of Soviet Artists in concentration. That why it was so big interest of spectators, critics and artists of Leningrad.

Opinions and reviews were very opposite: from the admiration to the discreet critic and towards a full rejection. Apologetes of the exhibition and creation of these artists contrasted with painting of socialistic realism and academy tradition. On the contrary critics were pointed to the entrainment of the studies and the formal tasks in the process of creation. They declared that couldn`t find the Picture of traditional Russian art.[3][4]

Group of "Eleven"

The name "Eleven" was fixed after this exhibition. And even this group was existed only for 2 exhibitions it went down in history. The second exhibition was in 1976 at the same place and just 9 artists of 11 took part in it. In the future they demonstrated their art works in solo or in the big common exhibitions with two or tree participants in Moscow and Leningrad. In 1990 the members of "Eleven" engaged in the common exhibition of 26 Leningrad and Moscow artists in Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh" in Saint-Petersburg.

In 1998 the exhibition of art works of group “Eleven” was in the Nekrasov`s Memorial Museum in Saint-Petersburg. There were represented art-pieces from the private collections. In 2012 the Exhibition of 200 art works of the group “Eleven” and their surroundings from the private collections was opened in «K-Gallery» (Saint-Petersburg). It was devoted to 40th Anniversary of the Exhibition of "Eleven" in Okhta at 1972.


  1. Хроника узловых событий художественной жизни России. 1960-1980-е годы // Время перемен. Искусство 1960-1985 в Советском Союзе/ Альманах. Вып. 140. СПб, Palace Editions, 2006. С.377.
  2. Юбилейный Справочник выпускников Санкт-Петербургского академического института живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры имени И. Е. Репина Российской Академии художеств. 1915—2005. СПб., 2007.
  3. Ватенина Н.А. Валерий Ватенин. Спб., 2006. С.153
  4. Колесова О. Вокруг выставки // Ленинградская правда, 7 декабря 1972.

See Also


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