Exeter Blitz

The term Exeter Blitz refers to the air raids by the German air force on the British town of Exeter, during World War II. The town was bombed in April 1942 as part of the so-called “Baedeker raids”, in which targets were chosen for their cultural and historical, rather than their strategic or military, value.

Early raids

The first German air raid on Exeter took place on 7 August 1940, in the early stages of the Battle of Britain. A lone raider dropped a stick of five bombs on the St Thomas area of the town, causing little damage. The local paper reported one man was injured and a canary and several chickens were killed.[1] A further 18 raids were made against the town over the next 18 months, mostly hit-and-run raids by lone raiders. Exeter was little affected during the Blitz, the German night-bombing offensive against Britain’s cities, though nearby Plymouth was severely damaged in early 1941. This changed in April and May 1942 when Exeter became a target in the so-called "Baedeker Blitz", a campaign to attack targets of cultural and historical, rather than military or strategic, value

April 1942

The first Baedeker raid, on the night of 23/24 April 1942, comprised 49 bombers of KG2, KG106, led by the pathfinders of I/KG100. However due to heavy cloud most of the raiders missed their targets and little damage was done. Seven bombs fell on the St Thomas and Marsh Barton areas: 200 houses were damaged and 5 people were killed, with 8 injured. One raider, a Do17, was shot down by an RAF night fighter, a Beaufighter from 604 Sqdn.[2] The following night, 24/25 April, was clear, and two waves of 20 bombers, most flying two sorties during the night, attacked again. In good visibility, and at low level in the absence of any AA defence, hit the city, particularly the Pennsylvania area, killing 73 and injuring 54. Four raiders were shot down, three by night fighters and one over Portland by AA fire.[3][4] After this the Luftwaffe switched its attention elsewhere, attacking Bath, York and Norwich, before returning to Exeter in early May for the worst raid of all.[5]

May 1942

On the night of 3/4 May 1942, just after midnight, 20 bombers arrived over the town centre, and in 70 minutes devastated the town centre and Newtown area. Bombs fell in High St, Sidwell St and Fore St, starting fires in the medieval lath and plaster houses and shops there, which were soon out of control. Fire brigade and emergency services struggled to tame the fires, under the threat of unexploded and delayed-action bombs and despite strafing by German bombers.[4] Reinforcements from the fire services at Torquay and Plymouth arrived to help; eventually 195 appliances and 1,080 personnel were employed to bring the fires under control, which was largely achieved by 5 May, though sporadic outbreaks continued until mid-day of 7 May.[4]

Much of the city centre had been destroyed; 30 acres of the city was devastated, 156 killed and 583 injured. In the city, Bedford Circus, Lower Market and Gandy St were destroyed, as were St Stephen’s, and St Mary Arches churches, and the Cathedral was damaged. The City Library, with over a million documents and books was destroyed, as was the Vicars Choral College. In all 1,500 of the cities 20,000 houses were completely destroyed, and 2,700 badly damaged. Also 400 shops, 150 offices, 50 warehouses and 36 pubs were also destroyed.[4]


Following the raid of 3/4 May 1942 German radio declared “Exeter is the jewel of the west; we have destroyed that jewel, and we will return to finish the job”.[6]

However, despite this boast, the May 1942 air raid was the last suffered by the city; Germany’s Baedeker blitz continued in desultory fashion for the next two years, but became increasingly ineffective in the face of the RAF’s growing night fighter defences.

In total, throughout all the air attacks on Exeter, 265 people were killed and 687 were injured, 111 of them seriously. A large part of the city centre had been devastated, and it was some 20 years before repairs were fully completed, resulting in a completely new infrastructure.[4]


  1. article RAM Museum
  2. Price p132
  3. Price p134
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Cornforth
  5. Price p135
  6. demolition-Exeter
