Exemption from military service in Israel

Conscription to the Israeli Defense Forces is carried out in Israel in accordance with the Israeli Security Service Law (חוק שירות ביטחון). This law also consists of a set of rules that define in which cases a person would be exempted from security service. In addition, in recent decades, a growing number of Israelis have attempted to get an exemption from the mandatory military conscription through illegal means of deception.

Grounds for exemption

The Torato Omanuto arrangement provides a legal route whereby most men from the Haredi sector are exempted altogether from compulsory military service, or alternatively get a shortened service (four months).

There are several reasons that confer exemption from military service in Israel to the person involved; some only apply to men, others apply only to women, and others to both sexes. These include:


According to 2007 IDF figures, the largest single group of young (Jewish) Israelis who avoid conscription consists of women who claim exemptions on religious grounds. This group made up 35% of all women eligible for the draft. Amongst males, the overall percentage of non-participation was 27.7%. This figure included 11.2% for Torato Omanuto, 7.3% for medical and psychological grounds, 4.7% because of criminal records and 4.2% because of residing abroad.[4]


Accordance with section 36 of the Security Service Law, the security minister may exempt certain people from an army service in the IDF, for reasons related to the volume of the military forces or reserve forces, or for reasons related to educational needs, settlement needs, security needs, economy needs, family needs and various other reasons.

In accordance with section 5 of the Security Service Law, a medical board is authorized to determine if a candidate is unfit for national security service.

Avoidance of the draft

Avoidance of the draft means exploiting the legal ways in which an individual can avoid serving in the military, and implementing them in order to be granted a full exemption from military service in the IDF. For example:

In many cases, an individual might choose to enlist in the military in spite of having some characteristics that exempt him or her from the draft.

In 2005 32.1% of the Jewish females did not enlist in the military on religious grounds, and the overall rate of non-enlist Jewish girls has risen to 42.3%.[5] These high rates indicate that refraining from the draft is relatively common, at least among Israeli women. In 2008, the proportion of females who did not enlist rose to 44%, from which 34.6% did not enlist on religious grounds. As a result, the Israeli military tightened the way it handles cases in which Jewish women request an exemption on religious grounds, through investigating the truthfulness of their claims, in order to expose young women who lied about being religious.[6]

Draft evasion

Draft evasion means acting in illegal ways in order to avoid serving in the military. The main way of doing so is to create a pretense which grants an individual an exemption from the draft. Examples:

Section 94 of the Security Service Law describes another method of draft evasion: defecting from the military on the day of recruitment. When a soldier fails to show up to be recruited he is defined by the military as a draft evader. After being defined as a draft evader, an arrest warrant is issued against him and thereafter the military police is responsible for locating and capturing him. After being caught by the military police, it would be decided whether the draft evader would go through disciplinary proceedings (which means that they would get a limited punishment and not a criminal record), or whether he or she would face a military court where the punishment is not limited and the criminal conviction is registered.

Public criticism

Draft evasion, as a criminal act, is generally considered in a negative light amongst the majority of the Israeli public. Among the strongest opponents to the Israeli government policy, a few people support draft evasion, but they are a minority in the Israeli public.

In Israel, which is largely considered to be in an ongoing state of war, draft evasion has always been perceived negatively by the majority of the public, although since the 1990s and thereafter the disapproval of draft evasion amongst the Israeli public has gradually diminished. After the 2006 Lebanon War the IDF began carrying out media campaigns against draft evasion as well as media campaigns aimed at encouraging enlistment in the IDF, and in the combat units in particular. Among the most notable Israelis to express their disapproval of draft evasion have been the Head of Human Resources Elazar Stern and the Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who stated:

The army is increasingly transforming from the people's army to the army of half of the people. A soldier should not feel that he is going into a battle while being perceived by large parts of the Israeli public as a patsy.[8]
In 1992, the popular Israeli rock singer Aviv Geffen caused a public outrage after he stated that he did not serve in the IDF and encouraged people not to enlist

Public criticism of draft evasion, especially when it is done defiantly, has become very noticeable in the context of the Israeli celebrities and public figures who evaded the draft in their youth (mostly before they became famous). Some of the most notable examples in which Israeli celebrities have been heavily criticized in the Israeli media in this regard include:

Impact of draft evasion in Israeli civilian life

An individual's military service is usually a topic of discussion in many job interviews in Israel, and is information job seekers usually would add to their resume. Nevertheless, in 2003 the Regional Court in Tel Aviv declared that the requirement of military service as a precondition to be hired for a position constitutes discrimination and is forbidden if military service is not relevant for that position.[11] The Israeli Equal Opportunities Act (חוק שוויון ההזדמנויות בעבודה) was revised in the mid 1990s[12] to prohibit employers from asking candidates about their military profile in the IDF. Nevertheless, legally there is as yet no prohibition against questions regarding an individual's military service or the fact that he did not enlist in the military - information which might be used later on as part of the many considerations which would contribute to an interviewer's decision not to hire the individual. In the years, since the Equal Opportunities Act was revised, and despite the changes in the Israeli public regarding military service, there is still largely a negative attitude toward those who have not served in the IDF. As an example, a substantial proportion of the employment ads in the newspapers state explicitly that only candidates who have carried out "full military service" will be considered for that position.

See also


  1. פירוט של הקושי בהשגת פטור מטעמי מצפון - מתוך דברי הסבר להצעת חוק שירות ביטחון (תיקון - פטור מטעמי מצפון), התשס"ו-2006 [Details of the difficulty in obtaining an exemption for reasons of conscience - from the explanatory notes in the Defense Service Law (Amendment - an exemption for reasons of conscience), 2006] (in Hebrew). 8 May 2006. Retrieved 12 October 2014.
  2. Felix Frisch (16 June 2003). צה"ל נתן פטור משירות לסרבן מצפון [IDF gave exemption from service to conscientious objector] (in Hebrew). Ynet. Retrieved 12 October 2014.
  3. Roy Cochavi (1 March 2004). סרבן שירות קיבל פטור מטעמי מצפון [conscientious objector received exemption from reasons of conscience] (in Hebrew). News1. Retrieved 12 October 2014.
  4. Mijal Grinberg (2007-11-06). "IDF: Nearly 28% of Israeli males avoided conscription in 2007". Haaretz. Retrieved 2012-03-19.
  5. Hanan Greenberg (24 July 2005). דאגה בצה"ל: הבנות ממעטות להתגייס [Military concern: fewer girls to enlist] (in Hebrew). Ynet. Retrieved 12 October 2014.
  6. Hanan Greenberg (1 March 2009). זינוק במספר הלא-מתגייסים, בעיקר צעירות [Jump in the number of non-recruits, mainly young] (in Hebrew). Ynet. Retrieved 12 October 2014.
  7. עת"ם (י-ם) 9050/08 יניב דוד הראל נגד שר הפנים, ניתן ב-25.6.2009‏
  8. Yuni Schoenfeld. ברק: צה"ל הפך לצבא חצי העם [Barak: IDF army became half the people] (in Hebrew). MSN.
  9. הרווחתי בגדול שלא התגייסתי [big payoff that I didn't enlist] (in Hebrew). Ynet. 22 October 2007. Retrieved 12 October 2014.
  10. Moran Zelikovich (1 February 2005). חמישית מהבנים ושליש מהבנות לא מתגייסים מדי מחזור [One-fifth of boys and one-third of girls do not enlist every cycle] (in Hebrew). Ynet. Retrieved 12 October 2014.
  11. מדינת ישראל נגד תפקיד פלוס בע"מ [State of Israel v. Position Plus Ltd.] (in Hebrew). Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, State of Israel. 12 June 2003. Retrieved 12 October 2014.
  12. חוק שוויון ההזדמנויות בעבודה, התשמ"ח-1988 [Equal Opportunities Act, 1988] (in Hebrew). Hilan. Retrieved 12 October 2014.

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