Exact category

This article is about exact categories in the sense of Quillen. For exact categories in the sense of Barr, see regular category. For exact categories in the sense of Buchsbaum, see abelian category.

In mathematics, an exact category is a concept of category theory due to Daniel Quillen which is designed to encapsulate the properties of short exact sequences in abelian categories without requiring that morphisms actually possess kernels and cokernels, which is necessary for the usual definition of such a sequence.


An exact category E is an additive category possessing a class E of "short exact sequences": triples of objects connected by arrows

M' \to M \to M''\

satisfying the following axioms inspired by the properties of short exact sequences in an abelian category:

 M' \rightarrow M' \oplus M''\rightarrow M'';

Admissible monomorphisms are generally denoted \rightarrowtail and admissible epimorphisms are denoted \twoheadrightarrow. These axioms are not minimal; in fact, the last one has been shown by Bernhard Keller (1990) to be redundant.

One can speak of an exact functor between exact categories exactly as in the case of exact functors of abelian categories: an exact functor F from an exact category D to another one E is an additive functor such that if

M' \rightarrowtail M \twoheadrightarrow M''

is exact in D, then

F(M') \rightarrowtail F(M) \twoheadrightarrow F(M'')

is exact in E. If D is a subcategory of E, it is an exact subcategory if the inclusion functor is fully faithful and exact.


Exact categories come from abelian categories in the following way. Suppose A is abelian and let E be any strictly full additive subcategory which is closed under taking extensions in the sense that given an exact sequence

0 \to M' \to M \to M'' \to 0\

in A, then if M', M'' are in E, so is M. We can take the class E to be simply the sequences in E which are exact in A; that is,

M' \to M \to M''\

is in E iff

0 \to M' \to M \to M'' \to 0\

is exact in A. Then E is an exact category in the above sense. We verify the axioms:

0 \to M' \xrightarrow{f} M \to M'' \to 0,\
and a map N \to M'' with N in E, one verifies that the following sequence is also exact; since E is stable under extensions, this means that M \times_{M''} N is in E:
0 \to M' \xrightarrow{(f,0)} M \times_{M''} N \to N \to 0.\

Conversely, if E is any exact category, we can take A to be the category of left-exact functors from E into the category of abelian groups, which is itself abelian and in which E is a natural subcategory (via the Yoneda embedding, since Hom is left exact), stable under extensions, and in which a sequence is in E if and only if it is exact in A.


0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0\
is a short exact sequence of abelian groups in which A, C are torsion-free, then B is seen to be torsion-free by the following argument: if b is a torsion element, then its image in C is zero, since C is torsion-free. Thus b lies in the kernel of the map to C, which is A, but that is also torsion-free, so b = 0. By the construction of #Motivation, Abtf is an exact category; some examples of exact sequences in it are:
0 \to \mathbb{Z} \xrightarrow{\left(\begin{smallmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \end{smallmatrix}\right)} \mathbb{Z}^2 \xrightarrow{(-2, 1)} \mathbb{Z} \to 0,
0 \to \mathbb{Q} \to \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q} \to 0,
0 \to d\Omega^0(S^1) \to \Omega^1_c(S^1) \to H^1_{\text{dR}}(S^1) \to 0,
where the last example is inspired by de Rham cohomology (\Omega^1_c(S^1) and d\Omega^0(S^1) are the closed and exact differential forms on the circle group); in particular, it is known that the cohomology group is isomorphic to the real numbers. This category is not abelian.
0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0\
is an exact sequence in which A, C have torsion, then B naturally has all the torsion elements of A. Thus it is an exact category; some examples of its exact sequences are
0 \to \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \to 0,
0 \to \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \xrightarrow{(1,0,0)} (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^2 \oplus \mathbb{Z} \to (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}) \oplus \mathbb{Z} \to 0,
0 \to (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}) \oplus \mathbb{Z} \to (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^2 \oplus \mathbb{Z} \xrightarrow{(0,1,0)} \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \to 0,
where in the second example, the (1,0,0) means inclusion as the first summand, and in the last example, the (0,1,0) means projection onto the second summand. One interesting feature of this category is that it illustrates that the notion of cohomology does not make sense in general exact categories: for consider the "complex"
\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \xrightarrow{(1,0,0)} (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^2 \oplus \mathbb{Z} \xrightarrow{(0,1,0)} \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}
which is obtained by pasting the marked arrows in the last two examples above. The second arrow is an admissible epimorphism, and its kernel is (from the last example), (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}) \oplus \mathbb{Z}. Since the two arrows compose to zero, the first arrow factors through this kernel, and in fact the factorization is the inclusion as the first summand. Thus the quotient, if it were to exist, would have to be \mathbb{Z}, which is not actually in Abt. That is, the cohomology of this complex is undefined.
