Every Child By Two

Every Child By Two (ECBT) is a non-profit health advocacy organization, based in the United States and founded in 1991, dedicated to protecting children from diseases through the promotion of vaccinations and raising parental awareness of potential vaccine benefits. The stated goals of ECBT are to "raise awareness of the critical need for timely immunizations and to foster a systematic way to immunize all of America's children by age two." ECBT was founded by former First Lady of the United States, Rosalynn Carter, and former First Lady of Arkansas, Betty Bumpers.

EBCT's pro-vaccination awareness raising campaigns have expanded in recent years in response to growing controversies in autism and vaccine controversies. ECBT's Vaccinate Your Baby campaign was launched to raise the awareness of issues regarding vaccine schedule compliance and to provide information on the safety of vaccines based on peer reviewed science.[1]


In 2008, Betty Bumpers and Rosalynn Carter were awarded the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Champion of Prevention Award at the 34th National Immunization Conference in Washington, DC. In addition, both women have had a number of other awards given to them over the course of their 20 plus years of work in the immunization field, many of which are listed on the Every Child By Two website.

See also


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