Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church
The Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church is a Christian denomination of the Reformed tradition founded in late 2004. The first member churches were received in 2005. According to information on its website, the ERPC's formation was in response to a perceived acceptance by churches such as the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and Presbyterian Church in America of departures from Biblical doctrine in a number of areas, including:
- the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ alone, apart from good works
- the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy
- the teaching of baptismal regeneration
- failure to discipline ministers, elders, and seminary professors who hold such views
- the development of what the ERPC considers to be un-Presbyterian bureaucratic structures that impede discipline and undermine spiritual vitality in the churches.
The ERPC is governed by a General Synod, presbyteries, and elders (sessions) elected by the local congregations. Under the denomination's Form of Government, local congregations delegate specific and limited powers to presbyteries and synods, designed to promote orthodoxy, evangelism, and the spiritual well-being of the membership while strongly limiting denominational bureaucracy.
Constitution of the ERPC
- The Bible
- The Westminster Standards
- The ERPC Form of Government, Book of Discipline, and Book of Worship