Evangelical Reformed Church in Portugal

The Gereformeerde Kerken launched mission work in Portuguese refugese in South Africa and in Mozambique. The work was led by Pastor Arnoldus Petrus Pienaar, Mario Alves, Pietar Botha, Cezar Ebes, Samuel Coalho, Kruger du Perez, Manie Taute. They established 5 Portuguese speaking congregations. A number of members begun returning to Portugal, to the land they have born. But they didn't find Reformed churches in Portugal.Members invited Reformed pastors from South Africa. Pastor Pienaar and later Pastor Mario Alvus visited Portugal annually. In 1983 Pastor Pienar settled in Portugal. The result of this work was 2 autonomous congregations, the Reformed Church in Portugal. The first congregation was founded in Porto with 50 members in October 16, 1985 serving the northern part of the country, the second was founded in October 26, 1985 in Lisbon to serve the centre of the country. These churches formed a Synod. In 2005 Pastor Hermanu Taute arrived.[1][2]

External links


  1. pt:Igreja Reformada Evangélica em Portugal
  2. http://www.reformiert-online.net/adressen/detail.php?id=13250&lg=eng