
The Tyche of Antioch, Roman copy of a bronze by Eutychides, Galleria dei Candelabri, Vatican Museums, 4th century BC

Eutychides (Greek: Εὐτυχίδης Eftichidis) of Sicyon in Corinthia, Greek sculptor of the latter part of the 4th century BC, was a pupil of Lysippus. His most noted work was a statue of Tyche, which he made for the city of Antioch, then newly founded. The goddess, who embodied the idea of the city, was seated on a rock, crowned with towers, and having the river Orontes at her feet. There is a small copy of the statue in the Vatican. It was imitated by a number of Asiatic cities; and indeed most statues since created that commemorate cities borrow something from the work of Eutychides.[1]


  1. Chisholm 1911, p. 958.
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