European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research

The European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR), was established in 2006 as a non-profit limited liability company on the initiative of the EAR (European Association of Radiology) with funding of the European Union within the Sixth Framework Programme,.[1][2]


The aim of this institution is to improve cooperation and coordination between research institutes, academic departments and industry that form the European biomedical imaging community in order to create a network of European biomedical imaging institutes, co-ordinate the development of biomedical imaging technologies within Europe and support the dissemination of knowledge with the ultimate goal of improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.

It develops and organises research projects within the Sixth and the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union to create an environment in which physicians, physicists, radiographers, chemists, mathematicians, molecular biologists, computer scientists, and other professionals can co-operate productively.


The sole shareholder of EIBIR is the European Society of Radiology.

Co-shareholders are

The company is managed by an Executive Director and has its head office in Vienna. Its scientific activities are led by a Scientific Advisory Board, chaired by a Scientific Director. More than 200 biomedical imaging research institutions, of which approximately two thirds are clinical departments and one third basic science laboratories, have joined EIBIR as members.

The Industry Panel, consisting of supporting companies, includes Bayer Health Care/Bayer Schering Pharma, Bracco, GE Healthcare, Philips and Siemens.


The activities that EIBIR undertakes to promote the cooperation between its organisations are to develop a coordinated research plan for the Seventh Framework Programme, to define, organise and manage joint or common initiatives, to exchange and disseminate good practice, to exchange personnel and research education (MSc, PhD), to create databases on technical infrastructures, scientific expertise, activities, etc., to co-ordinate multi-centre trials, and to organise conferences, meetings, and training courses.

Current research focus lies in molecular imaging and imaging biomarkers.

See Also

Medical Physicist Physician Radiographer Radiologist


  1. On-line database Life Science Competence in Europe
  2. On-line database of European projects in Life Science and Health EuropaBio, the European Association for Bioindustries

External links