European Championship in Forestry Skills


Short‐term goal of the competition is the presentation of the latest achievements in logging techniques, logging machinery tools and loggers safety equipment and a comparison of these at an international level in theory and practice.

This competition is a team competition between schools of the EU. The best team of each country could come to the competition. On the competition can compete students between 16 – 25 years of age, who are in forestry training. A team consists of 4 participants. Each participant must compete in theory and practice.

In planning and carrying out the competitions, special attention is paid to safety aspects in working techniques.

Long‐term aim of the competitions is to increase the appreciation of forest work and to draw general attention to forestry training and the forestry industry on both a national and international level. These competitions play a particularly significant role in creating international contacts between students and schools, which contribute to the furthering peaceful coexistence between nations.


year organizer of the competition 1st place 2nd place 3rd place
1. 2002 Austria Austria Luxemburg Lithuania
2. 2003 Finlan Estonia Finland Austria
3. 2004 Estonia Estonia Slovenia Austria
4. 2005 Lithuania Austria Germany Slovenia
5. 2006 Austria Austria Slovenia Germany
6. 2007 Belgium Austria Italy Lithuania
7. 2008 Norway Slovenia Austria Germany
8. 2009 Germany Austria Slovenia Poland
9. 2010 Luxemburg Austria Slovenia Estonia
10. 2011 Poland Austria Germany Poland
11. 2012 Slovenia Slovenia Austria Norway
12. 2013 Austria Slovenia Austria Italy
13. 2014 Italy AustriaItaly Slovenia
14. 2015 Estonia


The competition consists of two parts. First part is demonstrating specific knowledge of working with a chainsaw and consists of five disciplines (Fitting a new chain, Bucking by combined cut, Precision bucking, Undercut and Felling Cut and Limbing). The second part is demonstrating the knowledge about the forest. The second part takes place at approximately 3 km long orientation course, within which is 16 points. At each point must be measured and calculated parameters of each forest or recognize a tree and animal species, forest pests and diseases of trees ... The winner is the one country whose competitors totaling the highest number of points from both parts.

Technical events – individual

Event I Fitting a new chain total 120 pts.
Event II Bucking by combined cut total 160 pts.
Event III Precision bucking total 200 pts.
Event IV Undercut and felling cut total 660 pts.
Event V Limbing total 400 pts.

Forestry course - team

Event VI Forestry course total 6000 pts.


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