European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation

ECARF - European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation is a non-profit foundation located at the Clinic for Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin in Berlin. The inter-disciplinary centre for treatment, academics, research and distribution of knowledge in the area of allergology was created there in collaboration with the Allergie-Centrum-Charité.

Foundation structure

The foundation ECARF is administered by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. It was founded by Jørgen Philip-Sørensen in 2003 and later became a foundation with legal capacity. A board with four members manages the foundation. The board members are Torsten Zuberbier (Chairperson), Louisa Mann (vice-chairperson), Marcus Maurer and Markus Heuel as representative of the Stifterverbands für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.


The foundation’s self-described goals are to increase knowledge about allergies, to carry out allergy research and to increase awareness of allergies in Europe. As a result, the physical and psychological strain on patients as well as the financial strain on society as a whole should be reduced.

Activities and fields of work



ECARF works in close collaboration with the following organisations:

External links
