European Beer Consumers' Union

The European Beer Consumers Union (EBCU) is an independent non-religious, non-politically affiliated international consumer organisation that was founded during May 1990 in Bruges by three European national beer consumer organisations, CAMRA (UK), Objectieve Bierproevers (Belgium) and PINT (Netherlands).

(In 2002/3 Objectieve Bierproevers was replaced by Zythos)


The union campaigns on European level to:

Current members

The union currently has 13 constituent members:

Country Acronym Organisation Name Founded
 United Kingdom CAMRA Campaign for Real Ale 1971
 Netherlands PINT Vereniging Promotie Informatie Traditioneel Bier PINT 1980
 Belgium ZYTHOS Zythos 2003
  Switzerland ABO L'Association des Buveurs d'Orge 1991
 Austria BierIG BierIG Österreich 2002
 Denmark DBE Danske Ølentusiaster 1998
 Norway NORØL Norske Ølvenners Landsforbund 1993
 Finland Olutliitto 1992
 Sweden Svenska Ölfrämjandet 1985
 Poland BP Bractwo Piwne 1995
 Italy Unionbirrai 1999
 Czech Republic SPP Sdružení přátel piva
 Ireland Beoir 2010


In June 2008 all organisations signed up to a written constitution, a landmark in European co-operation proving that Beer leads where others fear to tread.

The constitution defined the formal aims and structure and under the Chairman Terry Lock defined the role of traditional beer as a prime component of European culture, history and daily life.

In 2012 Terry Lock, the chairman since 1999, retired and Henri Reuchlin, from the Netherlands, was elected as the new chairman.[1]


  1. EBCU Press Release: Dutchman to lead European Beer Consumers (accessed 29 Jun 2013)

External links