Estonian Punk Song Festival

Estonian Punk Song Festival is an event that first took place on July 7th, 2008 in Rakvere, where popular Estonian punk songs were performed by choirs.

The author of the concept and the producer was Üllar Saaremäe, host Peeter Volkonski, art director Hardi Volmer and head conductor Hirvo Surva. Before the song festival, there was a procession from Rakvere town centre to Rakvere Vallimägi.

Total of 71 choirs with 1700 singers took part of the event, audience attendance was about 5000. After the song festival, there was a punk concert with performances by Estonian punk bands like Süütu Vanaema, ZLO, Streptococcus Pyogenes, Singer Vinger and The Flowers of Romance.

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