Erotic hypnosis

Erotic hypnosis is the practice of hypnosis for sexual purposes. This does not include hypnotherapy nor the therapeutic application of neurolinguistic programming and similar disciplines. Although often loosely referred to as "recreational hypnosis", recreational hypnosis is a broader subject, including practices like stage hypnosis and hypnosis for the enjoyment of the practice itself.


Reducing inhibitions and increasing arousal is a notable goal of erotic hypnosis. The placement of trigger words in the subject's mind as post-hypnotic suggestion to produce actions and experiences on-demand is a common practice. Erotic hypnosis can also include suggestions intended to improve sexual health.[1]

Hypnotic suggestions may include techniques to overcome apprehension about fellatio, increase sensuality, improve libido, and increase breast size.[2]

Another common form of erotic hypnosis is hypnotic fantasy, in which the subject is placed in a trance and taken through a description of a sexual experience. Depending on the depth of the trance and the skill of the hypnotist, the subject's experience can range from mildly to deeply erotic.

Personality transformation is another common fantasy. People who identify with the submissive side of erotic hypnosis often fantasize about being freed from responsibilities or inhibitions and transformed into someone who can freely enjoy sexual pleasures.

While there are numerous hypnotic techniques, fractionation—the process of repeatedly bringing someone in and out of trance—is a popular practice in erotic hypnosis.

Power exchange relationships

Hypnosis is an increasingly popular practice within a dominance and submission relationship to reinforce power exchange and as a form of play. This ranges from hypnotically-induced orgasms to long-term conditioning. The act of hypnosis itself can be erotic and relationship-affirming for many power exchange couples as the subject surrenders control and opens themselves to mental vulnerability.

Non-hypnotic elements

Certain other practices such as persuasion techniques, conditioning, and neurolinguistic programming are often associated with erotic hypnosis, but are not strictly a part of it. Enthusiasts often refer to such practices as "hypnosis without trance".


  1. Daniels, Angraecus. "What is Erotic Hypnosis".
  2. Williams, E. James (November 1974). "Stimulation of Breast Growth By Hypnosis". The Journal of Sex Research 10 (4): 316–326. JSTOR 3811242.

Further reading