Erol Çevikçe

Erol Çevikçe, (December 8, 1937, Istanbul) is a Turkish politician, a CHP deputy Former Minister of Public Works and Transportation The first generation of teachers and the Museum of the Republic Kazim Cevikce and oldest families in the city of Amasya’s Erol is the son of Hacer's daughter Cününoğulları oldest families. Çevikçe Kılıçaslan Primary School and Secondary School of Amasya in Istanbul Kabatas graduated from high school. Graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Economics. Robert College then studied first English by reading the preparatory class today at Bosphorus University. Examination at the time of Prime Minister Ismet Inonu entered the State Planning Organization. He had the opportunity to work The first planning staff. Master Degree at the University of Pittsburgh, USA in 1968-1969. Thesis subject "Turkey's Economic Planning Experience"was on. He married with Perihan Cevikce(Korkut) Phd, works, SIS Expert Assistant in America. The eldest of the two daughters of Sila, Department of Economics, Bogazici University, and jazz pianist. The architecture of the youngest daughter graduated from Istanbul Technical University. The task of the State Planning Organisation, continued until the elections of October 1973. He was the first planning expert who member of Parliament in 1973 with a call to Ecevit. In 1974 the Government of the CHP Adana as the Deputy Ministry of Public Works became. He was elected Member of Parliament from Amasya in 1977. 1980 Transport Minister Ecevit Government of second post, because it is politically banned. 1992 economic consultant in the private sector has left his life. Congress has returned to active politics in 1988. Deputy Chairman of the CHP was re-opened in 1992. Adana re-elected as a deputy in the 1995 elections.[1] Except for 1999 when the parliamentary election CHP, Deniz Baykal, who insisted that the General Directorate pulled his head to leave. He was not a candidate for parliament then. He left politics in the Assembly. In the political life, has been serving as a member of the CHP. In 2012, "the CHP and a lifetime"'s book was published


  1. Massicard, Elise (2012). "The uses of team rivalry". In Elise Massicard, Nicole Watts. Negotiating Political Power in Turkey: Breaking up the Party. Routledge. p. 60. ISBN 9780415625180.