Ernst Vanhöffen

Ernst Vanhöffen (1858–1918)

Ernst Vanhöffen (15 November 1858, Wehlau – 14 June 1918) was a German zoologist.

He studied geology, botany and zoology at the Universities of Berlin and Königsberg, graduating in 1888 with the thesis Untersuchungen über semaeostome und rhizostome Medusen. In 1889-90 he conducted research of jellyfish at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples.

In 1892-93 he participated in a Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin-sponsored expedition to West Greenland under the leadership of Erich von Drygalski (1865–1949). Afterwards he worked for a few years at the Institute of Zoology in Kiel. In 1898-99 he took part in the Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition aboard the steamship "Valdivia". From an abundant yield of deep-sea marine fauna collected on the expedition, Vanhöffen was tasked with processing medusa species.

After his return to Germany, he served as a lecturer at the University of Kiel, attaining the title of professor in March 1901. From August 1901 to November 1903 he was a member of the Deutschen Südpolar-Expedition aboard the research vessel "Gauss". Led by Erich von Drygalski, the expedition endured periods of hardship due to the "Gauss" being trapped in Antarctic ice for several months.[1] Vanhoffen Bluff (Coordinates: 53°0′S 73°21′E) was named in his honor.

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