Eric Haines

Eric Haines is an American software engineer, and is an expert in computer graphics, specifically image rendering. Currently he is with Autodesk, Inc. as senior principal software engineer.[1] He is a co-author of the book Real-Time Rendering.[1]

Eric Haines earned an M.S. in 1986 from Cornell University (thesis: The Light Buffer: A Ray Tracer Shadow Testing Accelerator; an image created by software based on the thesis was used on the September 1986 cover of the IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications journal).[2]

He created the Massive open online course Interactive 3D Graphics[3] in 2013 with Udacity. As of July 2013 it had 30,000 enrolled, with 1300-1700 students active over a given week. He authored a chapter in the book An Introduction to Ray Tracing by Andrew Glassner (ed), 1989. He published a number articles in computer graphics, some of which are included in the Graphics Gems series. He also maintains the Graphics Gems code repository.

Haines was on the editorial board of the Journal of Graphics Tools until 2012, at which time he helped found the Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques. He was the editor of the online forum of experts in ray tracing, Ray Tracing News (1988-2010)[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, and Naty Hoffman, Real-Time Rendering, Natick: A.K. Peters Ltd., 3rd edition: 2008, 1045pp. ISBN 978-1-56881-424-7
    • 2nd edition: Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, Real-Time Rendering, Natick: A.K. Peters Ltd., 2002, 900pp. ISBN 1-56881-182-9
    • 1st edition: Tomas Möller, Eric Haines, Real-Time Rendering, 1999, 512pp. ISBN 1-56881-101-2
  2. Eric Haines professional webpage at the ACM website
  3. Interactive 3D Graphics Udacity course
  4. "Ray Tracing News Guide"