Eric Fryer (actor)

Eric Fryer is a Canadian actor who played Terry Fox in the 1983 biopic The Terry Fox Story.[1] He was cast in part because, like Fox, he was an amputee, and also as a result of cancer. However, at first he did not appreciate what Fox had done, and according to an interview he gave to People Weekly Magazine, thought Fox was simply "a glory seeker, shoving his leg in people's faces." Although after acting Fox's life onscreen his perspective changed: "I have great respect for him. Terry was one of the most determined, courageous people that ever lived." [2]

Fryer won the award for Best Actor at the 5th Genie Awards. Despite his award win, he only appeared in two other minor acting roles, appearing in episodes of The Beachcombers ("High Tension", February 19, 1984) and Home Fires.


2. People Magazine May 30, 1983