Eric Breindel Award for Excellence in Opinion Journalism

The Eric Breindel Award for Excellence in Opinion Journalism, also known as the Eric Breindel Journalism Award, is an annual award commemorating Eric Breindel, a former editorial page editor of the New York Post. It is given to "the columnist, editorialist or reporter who best reflects the spirit of Mr. Breindel's writings: Love of Country and its democratic institutions as well as the act of bearing witness to the evils of totalitarianism."

The award was instituted in 1999 with an endowment from Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, and is administered by the Eric Breindel Memorial Foundation. From 2006 onwards, winners receive $20,000; earlier winners received $10,000.

As second award, the Eric Breindel Collegiate Journalism Award, has been given annually since 2006. As of 2009, it offers $10,000 plus a paid internship at Fox News Channel, The Wall Street Journal, or the New York Post.

The awards are announced in June every year.

Eric Breindel Journalism Award winners

2012 Andrew Ferguson
2011 Fouad Ajami
2010 Mona Charen
2009 Charles Krauthammer
2008 Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal
2007 Max Boot
2006   Mark Steyn
2005 Claudia Rosett
2004 Daniel Henninger
2003 Michael Kelly
2002 Victor Davis Hanson
2001 Jay Nordlinger
2000 Tom Flannery, then a columnist at The Carbondale News
1999 Jeff Jacoby

Eric Breindel Collegiate Journalism Award winners

2012 Angela Hunt, University of North Carolina, Wilmington 2011 Charles Johnson, Claremont McKenna College
2010 John-Clark Levin, Claremont McKenna College
2009 Carl Kelm, Stanford University
2008 Elise Viebeck Claremont McKenna College
2007 John Wilson, Claremont McKenna College
2006   Matt Mireles, Columbia University

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