Episcopal Diocese of Nevada

Diocese of Nevada
Ecclesiastical province Province VIII
Congregations 39
Members 5,342
Rite Episcopal
Current leadership
Bishop Rt. Rev. Dan Thomas Edwards

Location of the Diocese of Nevada

The Episcopal Diocese of Nevada is the diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America comprising the entire State of Nevada. The fourth and current bishop of the Diocese is Dan Thomas Edwards, ordained bishop on 5 January 2008.[1]

The see city is Las Vegas. There is no cathedral in this diocese.

Under the leadership of its first diocesan bishop, Wesley Frensdorff, who served from 1972 to 1985, Nevada became a leader in the concept of Total Ministry, the "ministry of all the baptized," in which laity and clergy have a more equal share in ministry.[2]

The third bishop of Nevada, the Right Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, was elected the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church at the 2006 General Convention. She is the first female primate in the Anglican Communion.

Today, the Diocese of Nevada is committed to multicultural ministries, including five Latino, two Filipino, and 2 Paiute congregations. The diocese engages in prison ministries though St. Thomas the Believer (Lovelock Correctional Center) and St Nicholas (Northern Nevada Correctional Center) and operates feeding ministries in several congregations. Many Episcopal Churches in Nevada partner with public schools to provide food and school supplies for low income children. Having adopted the faith statement "Together we can change the world," the Diocese works to be faithfully engaged in civic society with people of all faiths through Nevadans For The Common Good, Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice, the Religious Alliance In Nevada, Communities In Schools, Bread For the World, and other groups working for justice and mercy in the world.


These are the bishops who have served the region now known as the state of Nevada:[2]

Bishops serving areas including the Nevada Territory

Missionary Bishops, Missionary District of Nevada

Diocesan Bishops, Episcopal Diocese of Nevada

  1. Wesley Frensdorff (1972 - 1985)
  2. Stewart Clark Zabriskie (1986 - 1999)
  3. Katharine Jefferts Schori (2001 - 2006)
    * Jerry A. Lamb, Assisting (2007)
  4. Dan Thomas Edwards (2008-)

See also


  1. Dan Edwards consecrated as 10th bishop of Nevada, Episcopal News Service, January 09, 2008
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Bishops of the Diocese of Nevada, Diocesan Web site

External links